Gay Seattle Mayor Dropping Out of Reelection Bid Amid Molestation Accusations – IOTW Report

Gay Seattle Mayor Dropping Out of Reelection Bid Amid Molestation Accusations

Gee, where in world will Seattle find a extreme left-wing partisan hack to fill his shoes?


15 Comments on Gay Seattle Mayor Dropping Out of Reelection Bid Amid Molestation Accusations

  1. This opens the door for the previous mayor, Mike McGinn, or something like that. He has already indicated his intention to run. He has a reputation for going a few days without showering and thinks deodorant is unnecessary.

  2. Gee, where in world will Seattle find a extreme left-wing partisan hack to fill his shoes?

    NAMBLA? AntiFA?

    Of course, there is a lot of membership overlap between the two groups.

  3. With the departure of Murray-the-Molester from the race and after years of left mismanagement it’s just possible although unlikely a conservative or at least centerish candidate will step forward. People tired of the left may just give a conservative a chance especially if they’re attractive, speak well and not seemingly too far right. The problem the left has is that all they have to play on are the same old socialist crap that’s already been tried and failed. They have nothing to offer the electorate hasn’t seen before. An articulate, logical and concerned candidate (especially if it’s a woman) could turn the race upside down.

  4. @Anonymous — How do you think Seattle got this way in the first place? We don’t grow them that way in the Northwest.

    (If you all send me the contents of your 401K’s/IRA’s, I promise I’ll run for Seattle mayor.)

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