Gay Switch in Genetic Code – IOTW Report

Gay Switch in Genetic Code

A team of British scientists studying twins claims to have found a genetic marker for gayness that allows them to predict the predisposition with 70% accuracy. GayGene

 Turns out it’s not a single “gay gene” but instead nine different regions in the DNA that can be switched due to hormones affecting the unborn.


 So could ridding humanity of homosexually be as easy as finding a way to block that particular hormonal effect on the developing fetus in those that are susceptible? 

Can the switch be reversed once it’s been thrown?




31 Comments on Gay Switch in Genetic Code

  1. Some say being a homo is a choice. Some say they are born that way. I say it’s both. A homosexual friend of mine insists they are born that way since “who would choose to be that way.” Bottom line, I believe most homosexuals are miserable, subject to depression, self loathing, sexaholics and one or more of a host of afflictions. I feel rather sorry for them. Except the absolute freak shows in San Francisco. Clorine needs to be thrown in that gene pool.

  2. How will the Left respond when people start aborting babies because they are determined to likely become gay?

    As far as it being a choice or not, I don’t believe anyone is “born gay.” I think our disposition/personality is largely molded and developed by the time we are 5 or 6. In our fallen-ness, we can go down a myriad of paths depending on the nurture we receive – or don’t. Our NATURE is capable of any form of debasement.

  3. Well what do you know? They were right. It isn’t a choice. Turns out I’ve been right all along too: its a genetic birth defect. And like all life altering defects, especially one which could affect the world human population, it must be corrected. Now if they can just find the transgender gene. They can name it Caitlyn.

  4. Homosexual or straight, doesn’t matter if one is born either way or nurtured to be either. Free will is involved to act on it or not act on it.

    Not all people who were abused became gay, but all gays can trace back to abuse at least until it became vogue to be gay.

    Porn imprints on the brain and hormonal response. If porn can do that, imagine the forces exerted on people who were subjected to actual abuse.

  5. I can already hear the rants about “don’t touch that switch.”
    If there is a button sticking out somebody’s going to push it. That’s just the way we’re wired as will.

  6. Thanks for posting that one. I’ve been saying for a while now that there is a big difference between being attracted to the same sex and actually ACTing on that attraction.

  7. There have actually been “homosexuals” (men with homosexual predispositions) who considered any homosexual act so vile that they were lifelong celibates.

    I think most of them were English …

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