This is how so many of us feel now.
— Brandon Straka (@BrandonStraka) April 2, 2024
If we had known that the fight for gay rights would usher in a Marxist gender radical cult we would have done things very differently.
24 Comments on Gay Woman Apologizes For Not Seeing What the Gay Rights Movement Would Become
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Yeah, well, go fuck yourself, you degenerate sack of shit.
When you won’t accept that you have a mental disorder and you force acceptance of your disorder from others who know you actually have this disorder you are EVIL.
We’re all sorry too! Anybody that was paying attention could see this coming!
Could’ve stood for human rights like the rest of us and been happy but no, had to be special.
You’re looking at someone there that just realized she’s wasted her entire life on a joke.
It wasn’t a joke. The marxists were dead serious.
By the way, gay means happy. You are a defective, homosexual, dirtbag.
I really don’t wish to watch or listen to someone who sporting a nose ring of some sort. For me, that is just one of the signs of a mentally ill degenerate.
Gee, I seem to remember all of us normies warning you where this could go.
But you couldn’t just settle for a live and let live.
You all had to be in everyone’s face and force us to accept you.
You opened that genie’s bottle and there’s no stuffing it back in now.
Sorry if I don’t accept your mea culpa now.
There’s a lot for the Boomers to regret, not just the alphabet people, but the whole generation of spoiled self-obsessed wastrels of their parent’s legacy. I’m considered a Boomer myself though I’ve watched this generation destroy everything given to them with nothing by their own empty narcissism as a replacement. The Boomer generation is going to leave a hole when it’s finally gone and I doubt there will be enough left to fill it back in.
you chose satan over God, too bad
So thankful that I never run into these mentally ill freaks. To me, the ones sporting the full beards and makeup seem to be the one to try and bait one into misgendering them. They can all go to hell for all I care.
Ah yes, the bullshit about consenting adults in the privacy of their own homes. They were lying.
reality check: she could not get laid by a guy in San Diego when the fleet came in.
Well then lady, if I may be so bold, you don’t hang up your p*ssy hat and rainbow flag just yet.
You broke it, you fix it!
Anyone notice BISEXUALS never ever have a say?
Why is that? Because bisexuality proves only two genders. Can’t have that!
I was fine with queers doing whatever the hell they wanted to do in their own home. I have never been fine with putting that shit in my face. People who want to be all over each other get a room.
I remember way back when being told to never give queers one inch because it would lead to normalizing pedophilia and here we are.
They can apologize till the seas boil over and won’t make ass ramming right.
I’ve never seen someone with a nose ring that doesn’t impress me as looking like they have snot hanging out of their face.
Hmm… I remember when the faggots first went national with tolerance and TPTB said go along with it. I asked, once you erase this line where does it stop? If this is OK then how about that? Or that other? All the way to fucking little kids? The good folk said calm down they just want tolerance.
And now look at the shitshow we’re into. You did this with your tolerance folks, tolerating evil just means the evil spreads. You don’t tolerate metastatic cancer now do you? No, no you don’t.
Back in the closet where they belong, hide it and practice your illness privately… and leave our kids alone on PAIN of DEATH.
Dr Tar
I have 4 older brothers and 4 sisters (mostly younger) I was born in 1955, so I saw the era of the big change first hand. It was all fueled by adolescent narcissism and, in the case of my older brothers, the dread fear of being drafted and sent off to Vietnam. And the trick was to hyperfocus on the one data point that proved their side and to ignore or downplay or sneer at the ten data points that cut the other way. And thats what has been going on for almost sixty years now
Case in point: My Dad came from a home that was broken by the Stock market Crash, which caused a terrible rift between his parents. My grandmother was an awful, ruthless woman who drove my Grandpa out of the house. Consequently, my Dad never had any kind of role model for dealing with kids. OTOH, what his own mother ruthlessly instilled in him was a steel trap mind which allowed him to graduate from U Penn’s Med school (In Philly) on the government’s dime! Free, in other words.
Meanwhile, my mother was something of a wonder woman who managed to raise nine children even though she was afflicted with COPD. And the only reason she could have done this is that she met a kid in the Late Forties who was being given a free medical education … which means he could travel to anywhere in the States and instantly start a practice AND a family. Which was what my mother desperately needed .. to get the hell away from Philly’s weather and move to a dry climate where she could breathe.
And they never consider the fact that this one factor DWARVES all of their petty complaints about Dad. Because of him, my mother with COPD raised 9 children and lived to the ripe old age of 93. If she never meets a doctor and stays in Philly, she almost certainly dies in the flu epidemic of 1957 .. because she almost died anyhow.
And it is this failure to reasonably weigh all consideration that is the original sin of the counterculture
I visited Philly in 2006 with my kiddoe, in mid April. In a weeks time, we got the full panoply of Philly’s awful weather. One day, a torrential cold shower struck while we were visiting the Museum of Art. So my kids had an oppty to run the Rocky steps in pouring rain
But then a bone chilling cold front swept in from the Delaware River, which the kids didnt like so much
At which point I said. “So, kids, do you understand now why Grandma had to flee from here.”