Gaydar is Real – IOTW Report

Gaydar is Real

Looking at the anus is easier.

24 Comments on Gaydar is Real

  1. Look folks, I’ve got nothing against gay homosexuals. Never have. They’re people just like normal folks, no difference at all. Well, except the whole keister thing. But that’s it.

    Now what I wanted to say is, I’m aware that there’s long been a lot of talk about our former president being a gay guy and I’m telling you right now, I met him on many occasions and I found him to be very genuinely gentlemanly and very neat and clean with a nice smell. You know who He reminds me of? Lee Marvin. Barack always lifts a pinky when he drinks his Chardonnay and he has a very gentle, gentlemanly grip when he gives you a handshake, not like Michelle’s. That’s not gay, not gay at all.

    And, and, so, I’ve found no reason to think that he’s one of those, uh, homos.

    Now a few Republicans…well…

  2. I doubt a picture can detect orientation.
    Listening to a person talk, on the other hand, for some reason seems to be pretty revealing.
    Is it the inflection? A bit of a lisp? Don’t know, but the voice seems to be a decent gaydar detector.

  3. I have no idea.
    I try not to look at people.
    They “talk like fools and dress like clowns” (Buddy Guy).
    And I usually get sick from being around them (sinus problems and diarrhea).

    If Faggotty Faggot Fag McFag crossed my path I probably wouldn’t pay any attention to him, whatsoever; as long as he left me alone.

    izlamo delenda est …


    A wobbly / floppy neck is the #1 indicator. It’s a “tic” they can’t control, they tilt the head or jiggle it to make a point while talking and I say to myself, “Uh-oh! He’s gay alright!”

  5. This will be used more for harm, not good – you’re gay and this outs you when you didn’t want to be, or you’re not gay and there’s no way to disprove it. It’ll also ‘prove’ there are many many many more gays than current estimated, so instead of 3% it’s ‘really’ 10% (or even 20%) and gays ‘deserve’ much more political power.

    What about people who have gay urges but will never ever act on them? There are people I’d dearly love to choke the shit out of but I’ll never do it – does that still make me a killer? What recourse do the ‘false positives’ have to set the record straight? (see what I did there?)

  6. This is absolute b/s. Many men in the early 1900’s had names like Peggy, Shirley, Pearl etc and didn’t have a gay cell in their body. Many men are considered gay if they don’t have a girlfriend. People can’t help what face they were born with and if only 2% of the population is gay what a waste of resources. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

  7. More then one way to sink that Titanic.
    If you’re “outed” as gay (and you’re not), don’t run scared, don’t try to blubber through excuses. Just laugh, LAUGH, and say, “PROVE IT! Otherwise I’m suing you ALL for slander and libel.” And take their pictures so they can’t say it wasn’t them, then walk away still laughing.

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