Gays Against Groomers Member Rants – IOTW Report

Gays Against Groomers Member Rants

10 Comments on Gays Against Groomers Member Rants

  1. Seeing this made me think: we had some gay friends in BC. When Trump took office, they said they would not go to the US because he was such an evil tyrant out to oppress everyone.

    I can’t help but wonder if gays are just being fed the line that they are being marginalized and oppressed that they believe it even if they had not experienced it themselves. That or they have been fed the line so much that they see any slight as a sign of oppression. Because heaven knows that straight white Christian men have never faced setbacks in their lives.

  2. Everyone needs to spend a bit of time to learn how to block ads from the google machine. Starve the beast. That includes ads on YouTube videos. Those can all be blocked if you didn’t already know.

  3. @RadioMattM – you can say that of any grievance group. They are all being told that they are in danger, that they have fewer opportunities, that they aren’t as capable as their perceived oppressors.
    The problem is only with those who believe it. Unfortunately that’s a lot of people.

  4. If you watch any of that blasphemous crap the Dodger’s hosted it had little to do with being attracted to the same sex and everything to do with an attack on Christianity. The same groups after our children. I would imagine the majority of gays would disprove. They’re just another terrorist group that has the approval and endorsement of the federal government.
    By the way, try and find current dodger attendance. Don’t use Google. I found two articles, one titled Dodgers attendance hits rock bottom, and an ESPN game stat from last night that showed attendance at 48%.

  5. @ RadioMattM AT 1:00 PM

    Oppression = Being told to keep their filthy hands off children

    Once you accept that progressivism=Marxism=Satanism it all comes together and their motivation is transparent and unambiguous

  6. Brad – “…If you watch any of that blasphemous crap the Dodger’s hosted it had little to do with being attracted to the same sex and everything to do with an attack on Christianity…”

    Most likely, the same holds true with why the feds want to with hold the Nashville Covenant School shooter’s manifesto. They don’t want the Trans-anti-Christian agenda to be made public.

  7. @ stirrin the pot AT 4:32 PM

    When I was about ten years old there was Elizabeth Taylor’s dog’s wedding to another Hollywood Satanist’s dog on television. I called it out as an attack on the Sacrament of Marriage. My mom said: Oh c’mon, they are just having fun. I said it is obviously what it is and to fail to recognize it for what it is is not a virtue.


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