Gaza Hospital Administrator Comes Clean About Being Hamas Commander – IOTW Report

Gaza Hospital Administrator Comes Clean About Being Hamas Commander

ABC 13 News

The director of a hospital in the Gaza Strip confessed to operating as a senior Hamas commander Tuesday.

Ahmad al-Kahalot admitted twitter to Israel’s security agency, Shin Bet, he served as an officer for the terrorist organization while managing the Kamal Adwan Hospital. He said Hamas used the facility as a command center.

3 Comments on Gaza Hospital Administrator Comes Clean About Being Hamas Commander

  1. We had no idea moslems were lying scumbag pedophilic murderous hogs, goat humpers, boy fuckers and woman beating suicide bombers. No, no idea at all that the chronically inbred retards might be somewhat less than honest in their transactions with each other and the world at large.

    Honestly, no idea, none, zip, zero, nada… zilch, bupkus, and I mean nil to the nilth degree.

    Now, get outta here ya big lug, and don’t get carried away so easy.


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