Gee, How Noble – Ghislaine Maxwell’s brother says she won’t rat out for lighter sentence – IOTW Report

Gee, How Noble – Ghislaine Maxwell’s brother says she won’t rat out for lighter sentence

Wow. At least she’s not a “rat.”


Ghislaine Maxwell is a convicted sex offender and disgraced British socialite —- but she’s no rat, her brother tells The Sunday Times of London.

“Prosecution confirmed no plea bargain offers were made or received” before the trial, Ian Maxwell said. “I expect that position to be maintained.”

Maxwell, in other words, will not trade names for the prospect of a lighter sentence.

Her refusal to cooperate with prosecutors could come as a relief to alleged co-conspirators, including four women employed by Maxwell and partner in crime Jeffery Epstein, and to others linked to the tawdry couple, such as Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates


The next name the stupid article cites is Donald Trump, the guy who kicked him to the curb when it became clear he was a pedo.

18 Comments on Gee, How Noble – Ghislaine Maxwell’s brother says she won’t rat out for lighter sentence

  1. The only thing that will keep her alive is the threat of a little envelope where nobody knows it exists that goes public if she’s slips in the shower.

    As long as she’s breathing, she’s a threat.

  2. Her only bargaining chip is a deadman switch. Prosecutors rarely make deals with the top crimina to catch the smaller criminals. Epstein was the top criminal until he didn’t kill himself.

  3. In this case, a deadman switch will not work. Most people already know or suspect who the Johns were and no MSM would ever publish it. If another media tries, they will be discredited, and probably shut down. Look at how the 2020 election was handled….if you doubt its validity, you are painted as a loony.

  4. You hang out with pedos, partake in pedo activities, your a pedo, and he loved every minute of it.
    They had a falling out over a property they were both trying to purchase.

  5. “Prosecution confirmed no plea bargain offers were made or received”

    Absolute proof that the prosecution had no interest in discovering the identities of the pedophiles who took advantage of Epstein’s child-sex ring.

    Comey, Roberts, Clinton, Gates, Emanuel, &c. … all walk free while dozens of children’s lives were destroyed.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. What does she have to lose? She’s going to be behind bars for the rest of her life, I’d become a real big rat, with a real big mouth. If I go down so do they. Her life is over…whether she’s breathing or dead.

  7. “The next name the stupid article cites is Donald Trump, the guy who kicked him to the curb when it became clear he was a pedo.”

    Nearly every single article on this case has mentioned Donald Trump, “with no evidence”, and some even show a 30-year old photo of Don and Epstein standing in a stage at some fund raiser. Meanwhile, hardly a mention of all the trips the Clintons took to pedo island, and Epstein’s “ranch”.

    So sick of this shit.

  8. Some people may believe that hiding the identities of the rich and powerful men who did these things is better than the open scandal and admitted evil presence in our world. But they are as guilty and perverted as the men who did it. Exposure and eradication, shame and punishment is the only thing they deserve.

  9. There’s rarely justice this side of Heaven. When I’m tempted to declare what I would do to people like her and her customers, I’m grateful to know this from Romans 12:19: “Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.”

    Pray for those who were gravely harmed by this evil.

  10. The brother says she won’t betray the trust of felons. The same brother that claimed she dindu nuffin illegal.

    There may be a whole in the Ozone, but there is a thick blanket of Shit People that lays over the human race.

  11. The truth will never come to light, how many media execs are on the list.
    How many top tier actors. All scum of the earth.

    “A unanimous jury has found Ghislaine Maxwell guilty of one of the worst crimes imaginable: facilitating and participating in the sexual abuse of children. Crimes that she committed with her longtime partner and co-conspirator, Jeffrey Epstein.”

    “one of Maxwell’s lawyers, Bobbi Sternheim, asked whether the judge could help arrange for Maxwell to get a booster shot for Covid-19.”
    Booster or cyanide?

  12. AbigailAdams,

    I know what you mean about God avenging the evil done to the innocent. I do trust that they will be avenged and in a manner that I would rather not know. It’s enough for me to know that the Wrath of God in him meting out his Justice will be much worse than what they perpetrated.

    However, I don’t want to give up praying that God will stop these people. I will pray that they will be brought to justice here and now. This isn’t to satisfy my need for vengeance, but to limit having to “Pray for those who were gravely harmed by this evil” for any NEW victims.

    If these people aren’t stopped, there will be no limit to the new victims who will now suffer because of the evil perversion.


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