“Gee… I was never asked that question before….” -James Comey – IOTW Report

“Gee… I was never asked that question before….” -James Comey

When WTOP’s Joan Jones asked former FBI Director James Comey on Wednesday if the “smashing of cellphones and destruction of thousands of emails” during the investigation into Hillary Clinton was “obstruction of justice,” Comey said that he had never been asked that question before.

“You have raised the specter of obstruction of justice charges with the president of the United States,” Jones said to Comey concerning his new book, “A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership.” The book was released earlier this week.

Some are asking, though, ‘Why wouldn’t smashing of cellphones and destruction of thousands of emails during an investigation clearly be obstruction of justice?’” Jones asked Comey.

Comey replied, “Now that’s a great question. That’s the first time I’ve been asked that.”


ht/ wait for it

24 Comments on “Gee… I was never asked that question before….” -James Comey

  1. Gee Joan, I suppose when we, the FBI gave Hil explicit instructions to destroy everything, technically SHE didn’t obstruct justice.
    Does that answer your question? Lordy, I hope so, because I’d never want to appear untruthful, but I’ll be sure to include that in my made for TV Lifetime movie.

  2. Lordy! I’m sure stupid. No! That can’t be the case. I was actually making sure that my wife’s favorite candidate got elected. Lordy! I’m sure smart. I think I’ll write a best seller and go all over the place showing people how much integrity I have when it comes to the Clintons. They are morally fit to lead this country. Just ask my wife. Lordy! I’m going to have to eat a lot of these words when I get indicted. Gee. Is that what obstruction of justice looks like?

  3. Mindset of a total fucking asshole:

    Obstruction of Justice: Saying you hope Mike Flynn can get off the hook.

    Not Obstruction of Justice: Smashing cell phones and computer disks before the FBI can see them.

    Fuck you Jim Comey, you miserable fucking closet Clintonista scumbag.

  4. It’s almost sad watching this guy make such a Jack Ass out of himself. The dude’s lost it. He’s delusional.
    Or maybe he’s laying the ground work for a good insanity plea. He’s got me convinced.

  5. If you read the article it gets even better. Comey says people smash that kind of stuff up all the time. And not only that but you have to prove intent. So since people smash their hardware up all the time he really can’t say why it was all smashed.

    But then there’s that small little detail that her emails were under subpoena at the time that he seems to have convieniently forgotten.

  6. His statement about intent is total bullshit. That sailor spent a year in prison, and his only intent was to show where he worked to his family. As usual, Comey is completely full of shit.

  7. It’s been a while since something has made me “riot-level angry.” This is the kind of thing that does it. I think what we’ve all been waiting and praying for is about to break; high-level people are going to be prosecuted.

    I’m just saying there better be gallows involved.

  8. First time he was asked the question.
    That’s because the question doesn’t need to be asked, especially by the head of the FBI.

    Kevin R: “But then there’s that small little detail that her emails were under subpoena at the time that he seems to have convieniently forgotten.”

    Clinton did the same thing, but with documents, during the Whitewater investigation.
    The documents in that case were also under subpoena.

  9. Gee officer, I didn’t intend to do 85mph in a 70mph zone. It’ just that everyone else was doing 82mph, and I got carried away with that guy tailgating me. And no one, I mean no one, has every asked me before if I was traveling at 85mph.

    But, hey. I really appreciate you letting me off the hook for accidentally breaking the law, What? You’re not letting me go without a ticket? But Jimmy Comey said I had to have intent to be charged, and I did not. Hold on a sec, Maybe you haven’t read the new standards, you should go check first before writing something up that will embarrass you later.


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