Gee… what to do? what to do? – IOTW Report

Gee… what to do? what to do?

Lefty sites have almost exclusively rid their sites of the comment sections. (Or, they require a registration, which makes it simple to pull your ability to comment if you say one word that causes the spun sugartwats a bit of stress.)

It’s almost impossible to rebut their stupid assertions in a public forum.

The sites do, however, generously give you the hack writer’s twitter handle. The problem is, when you go over there to confront them, Twitter bans you.

This happened to me yesterday when I rebutted various writers who insisted that Trump oafishly dumped fish food into a Koi pond. It was FAKE NEWS.

One dumb bint from Jezebel,   Lauren Evans, insisted that she got the story right, that Trump was a big dumb baby, and that was at the heart of her fake story, so it was real.

Big Stupid Baby Dumps Load Of Fish Food On Japanese Koi Pond

I asked her if I could make up stories that affirmed my belief that she was a liar.

She updated her post on Jezebel, admitting nothing and doubling down that Trump was an imbecile.

5 minutes later I was locked out of my Twitter account. Coincidence?

Cut to Slate. They are currently running a FAKE NEWS story that says Trump embarrassed the nation by “not knowing that Japan makes cars in the United States.”

Trump Begs Japanese Automakers to Build Their Cars in America, Which They Already Do

By Jordan Weissmann

Then, because this is 2017, things got dumb. According to Bloombergthe president of the United States started begging Japan’s car companies to consider making their vehicles on American shores—something they’ve been doing since the 1980s. “Try building your cars in the United States instead of shipping them over. That’s not too much to ask,” Trump said. “Is that rude to ask?”

The story is FAKE. It’s taken out of context. Here is the full transcript:

I also want to recognize the business leaders in the room whose confidence in the United States — they’ve been creating jobs — you have such confidence in the United States, and you’ve been creating jobs for our country for a long, long time. Several Japanese automobile industry firms have been really doing a job. And we love it when you build cars — if you’re a Japanese firm, we love it — try building your cars in the United States instead of shipping them over. Is that possible to ask? That’s not rude. Is that rude? I don’t think so. (Laughter.)

This schmuck has a twitter account- Jordan Weissmann @JHWeissmann 

So what’s a guy like me to do? I hate when lefties lie and go unchallenged. But Twitter will certainly ban me if this guy runs to his mommy and says I made him wet his pants.

What to do?




17 Comments on Gee… what to do? what to do?

  1. Even James Woods cannot reach the brainwashed once they have gone to the Darkside. The important thing is to get to them early like the kid a couple of posts above (“This is Speaking Truth to Power”). The young ones need to be encouraged and supported in their critical and free thinking skills. Each one makes a new soldier for a Free Society.

  2. I was on three or four different forums that are now on the “Taptalk” network. The liberals on all forums have been reduced to sheer insanity.
    Historical Facts, sources, and acceptable news sites for backing up posts mean nothing. None to this day could tell me a single hillary or obama accomplishment that lead to them voting for them. Trump is Hitler, more freedom is tyranny, and the vastly improved economy is slavery…

    Liberals under bill clinton had to hit their knees to defend him and his policies. Now it’s their strategy… Hit their knees.

    I got bored with their insanity… Usually just a one line post, a now dead talking point, or a quote form one of their heros is enough to get blocked on facebook by one of these loons.

    Liberalism is truly a mental illness. They don’t need information… They need medication

  3. Fur, I salute all those who venture into the Far-Leftist lairs to do battle. I’ve given it up, having experienced the close minded banning you describe so well.
    1. Their site, their rules, their Delete key. You can’t win when they can disappear your points and block you.
    2. These are children. Many of them just out of school. You are, literally, debating Pajama Boy, still on mommy’s insurance plan.
    3. I don’t visit these sites. Total boycott. I deny them the traffic and the clicks.
    I believe we all should. I would no more add to the traffic count at Salon or HuffPo than I would buy a discounted seat at an NFL game.
    4. IOTW and Patriot Retort each wisely avoid linking to Lefty sites. But other Patriot sites often do link, and this feeds them viewers and ad revenue. Lefty sites would never dream of linking to us. Boycott and starve them of clicks. Collectively, what % of their traffic are links from Right-ish sites? Cut them off, instead.
    Their business model needs to be starved of traffic. Their childish “writers” should not receive the attention they crave. Since they ban us from debating, they can wither and die. This works; ask the now-unemployed Lefties at Teen Vogue.
    My two cents.

    I’m leaving shortly to vote. Hopefully tonight we can have a thread on Governor Gillespie, R-VA.

  4. we have watched the msm lie repeatedly to the citizens of this country for the last 10 years.

    why expect the problem to get any better now ?

    if it’s in the msm it’s probably a lie.

  5. I agree with Rufus.

    And none of us is going to convince the vocal leftists – they refuse to consider any new information and are emotionally tied to their views. But if you think there are other readers who may be swayed you will certainly make inroads by making calm, rational points while allowing the leftists’ smug literal screaming to sway others away from whatever they are claiming.

  6. TIME TO SECEDE I don’t even consider these people to be Americans anymore. I have no love or interest in them.

    Had 2 facebook accounts just to leave pithy messages, both got locked due to “suspicious activity.” Both times I had recently left comments there.

  7. I can just hope that enough people that voted for Trump are seeing exactly how dishonest and agenda driven the media is and this BS isn’t affecting them. When scientists were discovered to be changing global warming data to support their conclusion they said they had to do it to prove to everyone that it was an issue. Same thing with all of liberalism, they have their conclusion, now they just need to handpick and tweet the data to support it. They discard anything that doesn’t support their viewpoint. And lucky for the snowflakes, they have a willing social media/media that protects them from nasty facts and reality.

  8. bill, don’t get mad at me, I’m on your side. But you told a lie.
    The msm has not lied for the last 10 years, it goes back MUCH farther.
    Today, the majority, almost the totality, of their work output is false.

    They’ve become one homogeneous mass of unapologetic mission-driven leftists.

  9. Even this a.m. the mexican station was showing the edited version showing Trump dumping the food but not Abe. And the reporter was all smirks and derision. Pushing their agenda agains’t the President to the mexican people.

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