GEICO Shuts Down Brick and Mortar Offices in California – IOTW Report

GEICO Shuts Down Brick and Mortar Offices in California


Across California, Geico customers suddenly found their local offices shuttered on Tuesday.

Doors locked. Lights out. Some were found with a hand-written note on the door stating that the local insurance offices had closed, the San Francisco Chronicle reported.

“I’d be worried about it if they’re closing or if all the insurance are going to close or is a recession coming or what is it?” customer Angelina Barron, who saw such a sign, told KXTV-TV in Sacramento.

In all, 38 branches of the well-known insurance provider closed their doors for good, laying off hundreds of their employees in the process, according to The Sacramento Bee.

Customers now seeking to insure with Geico or work with their existing accounts will be required to use a computer or mobile device.


15 Comments on GEICO Shuts Down Brick and Mortar Offices in California

  1. Bout damn time. I hope that Godless, commie loving traitor has to shut down hundreds of offices. Made billions because of Capitalism, supports everything communist. HE is responsible for the execution of millions of innocent babies in the womb. When his wife went to hell so many atheists wanted to attend her memorial they had to set one up on the east and the west coasts.

  2. They tried to screw me over a claim so I threatened to call Insurance Underwriters, they changed their tune. Then they sent me $300 too much. I cashed the check and canceled the account.

  3. looks to me that geico is pulling up stakes in kali due to the state’s insurance regulations that don’t allow companies to adjust rates for such things as … oh, Bidenflation … according to the article

    if so, it may be the pebble that starts the avalanche

    don’t worry, the ChiComs & Billme Gates will buy it up!

  4. Remember, GEICO stands for Govt. employees insurance company. I have done business with State Farm most of my adult life for my home and auto insurance and have never had a problem with them. The rest of the rest of the insurance companies especially Progressive with their annoying spokeswoman Flo can all take a hike. I can’t stand stupid annoying insurance commercials.

  5. I have GEICO for auto because they were the cheapest around. I never knew Geico had offices in California – never seen one. I called them and did everything over the phone. Never had a claim. Homeowners insurance is difficult to get in California and it’s very expensive. We were lucky to get it through USAA, and it’s reasonable.

  6. Sounds to me like when Insurance companies left Florida. State mandated rates and too much risk (hurricanes). Crime is a big problem in California, ie risk.

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