Gen Z Starts to Grow Up – IOTW Report

Gen Z Starts to Grow Up

Daily Caller

Support for gay marriage among Generation Z has fallen 11% since 2021, according to a Thursday poll from the Survey Center on American Life.

The poll revealed a number of political shifts amongst Gen Z, including changing attitudes on gay marriage, feminism, political affiliation and belief in political leaders. Support for gay marriage among Gen Z fell from 80% in 2021 to 69% in 2023. More

How Pew Research Defines the Ages (with handy chart). Here

12 Comments on Gen Z Starts to Grow Up

  1. IDK given the marijuana and abortion issues voted up in Ohio. Was the vote a reflection of voters actual preference or was it rigged? I’m guessing the same voters that support rainbow community are also pro choice

  2. Don’t underestimate that The Party is losing control of the narrative and in their panic making desperation moves that are not resonating with anyone. Young guys I interact are opting out of going along to get along, like earlier generations have. Third wave feminism is driving them away like no tomorrow. Their fucking idiot females of their generation have been slow to catch on and a lot the guys are just simply not putting up with any of that horse shit any longer.

  3. Gen Z has brain damage due to all the Fluoride in the water and all the psyche meds they have been drugged with. I pray that the human mind has the ability to heal itself and wake up to this government mandated treachery.

  4. Anonymous Sunday, 12 November 2023, 16:20 at 4:20 pm

    I’ll hold my breath until I hear my reprobate daughter has given up her licker license.

    My niece who is Gen X, has one of those Gen Z freaks. My niece likes to brag about her college degrees and I tell her she’s the only one in the family who gave birth to a tranny. She should know better than to brag to her aunt, the one who will make a snappy come back. :0 As long as it isn’t my kid, all is well.

  5. Spent a long weekend at the cottage with a couple gen Z’ers one male one female.
    I was impressed at how based they were.
    We got along like old friends.
    Reminds me of the people next door at the cottage they are both Dentists and have a gaggle of daughters and guns and a hunting dog.
    I feel safe here, plus i also have a gun or two aboot.
    Welcome to Canada.

  6. 69% is a lot of fucking retards. I thought my generation was fucked up, but we never embraced faggots. There were no overt faggots in all of my 13 years of gubbment schooling.


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