General Flynn: “I Must Have Put The Fear Of God Into Barack Obama – IOTW Report

General Flynn: “I Must Have Put The Fear Of God Into Barack Obama

Trending Politics: Now that he has been rescued from the legal purgatory that he was trapped in, retired General Michael Flynn is free to tell his side of the story and he is doing exactly that. 

The former head of military intelligence under Barack Obama was tapped by President Trump as his national security adviser but was set up and entrapped by corrupt FBI agents acting on behalf of James Comey in the first weeks of the new administration.

In what has to go down as the worst of Trump’s personnel decisions, he allowed Flynn to be forced out and removed a key asset who knew where all the bodies were buried as well as having the goods on Obama. 

Trump spared Gen. Flynn from the ongoing political persecution with a Thanksgiving pardon and his freedom to speak could be a nightmarish scenario for a potential Biden administration. 

Flynn appeared on Fox’s “Justice With Judge Jeanine” on Saturday where he provided insight on exactly what he was targeted with extreme prejudice by Obama, Biden, and their FBI-DOJ stooges. 

According to Gen. Flynn:

“I must have put the fear of god into Barack Obama and probably still do because of this four-year long saga that they put me, my family through, President Donald J. Trump and his family and frankly the entire country,” 

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24 Comments on General Flynn: “I Must Have Put The Fear Of God Into Barack Obama

  1. Last week Dan Bongino had Flynn on his show and gave him the whole hour, Dan led with the claim that it was the important interview he had ever done.

    We all knew how Flynn got railroaded by crooked FBI agents but what I wanted to know was this; why did Flynn plead guilty (twice) to lying to the FBI when he didn’t lie.

    We know he didn’t lie because Flynn said he didn’t, the 302’s of the investigating agents confirmed that he didn’t lie, even Comey himself had admitted that Flynn did not lie. So why the plea deal?

    Flynn is man of extra-ordinary patriotism and honor, it makes no sense to me that a man that places honor and reputation above all would purposely stain that honor. Career military men do not plea bargain, just ask Pfc. Louden Downey and Lance Cpl. Harold Dawson.

    During Dan;s interview he touched on it only briefly, saying that pressure was exerted and that he would address it at a later time, much to my disappointment.

  2. “They threatened his son who was doing business in Europe.”

    Yes, I had heard that before but if his son did nothing wrong, what leverage could be exerted?

    Granted, I (we) do not know the full story, but to me the plea deal did more harm to him then any bogus perjury claim.

  3. Rich Taylor: “Yes, I had heard that before but if his son did nothing wrong, what leverage could be exerted?”
    Gen. Flynn did nothing wrong either, but he went through 4 years of hell and was bankrupted in the process; would you want YOUR son to have to go through that?

  4. I hear that “Didn’t do anything wrong” argument from a lot of people when talking about this surveillance society we live in.
    My response is that it won’t be YOU that makes that determination.

  5. Tony R, the short answer is no, I would not want that to happen to my son, but your equivalency lacks merit.

    Flynn’s son was not working for Trump, did not have phone conversations with Russian ambassadors, and was not interviewed by FBI agents regarding those conversations.

    Now if you are going to say that the FBI threatened Flynn ,”If you don’t take this deal we are going to open up a bogus investigation on your son, make up shit as we go and make it stick so that the son will also be charged with a crime”, I guess you can say that. But funny how Flynn has had his muzzle removed and is now on the talk-show circuit, telling his side of the story but so far has not verified this FBI extortion plot himself. If somebody has heard him verify this or if there is a tape of Flynn saying as much, please provide it.

    If you are satisfied with an internet rumor, the mere implication of FBI extorting Flynn into this plea deal, that’s fine, I prefer something more substantive.

  6. It was out there early on that they threatened him that if he didn’t plead guilty they would find something on his son(if I remember correctly him and his wife had a new baby), they would destroy his family and all of them would lose everything they had. His son was telling him to let them bring it, but he was scared for his son and family.

    I get it, if you’re telling me you’re going to prosecute me, especially when I know I did nothing wrong and then you start threatening my family for the same false charges, but will leave them alone if I plead guilty, I’m going to protect my family. Knowing what all of us know about the FBI, DOJ, NSA, CIA, etc., and we still don’t know all he knows I’m sure, you would know what they could do to your family. They’re worse than the mob because they can make you or anyone disappear and nobody will dare come looking for you.


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