General Flynn Should Withdraw His Guilty Plea. His New Judge Is A Government Misconduct Expert – IOTW Report

General Flynn Should Withdraw His Guilty Plea. His New Judge Is A Government Misconduct Expert

Daily Caller: Extraordinary manipulation by powerful people led to the creation of Robert Mueller’s continuing investigation and prosecution of General Michael Flynn. Notably, the recent postponement of General Flynn’s sentencing provides an opportunity for more evidence to be revealed that will provide massive ammunition for a motion to withdraw Flynn’s guilty plea and dismiss the charges against him.

It was Judge Rudolph Contreras who accepted General Flynn’s guilty plea, but he suddenly was recused from the case. The likely reason is that Judge Contreras served on the special court that allowed the Federal Bureau of Investigation to surveil the Trump campaign based on the dubious FISA application. Judge Contreras may have approved one of those four warrants.

The judge assigned to Flynn’s case now is Emmet G. Sullivan. Judge Sullivan immediately issued what is called a “Brady” order requiring Mueller to provide Flynn all information that is favorable to the defense whether with respect to guilt or punishment. Just today, Mueller’s team filed an agreed motion to provide discovery to General Flynn under a protective order so that it can be reviewed by counsel but not disclosed otherwise.

This development is huge. Prosecutors almost never provide this kind of information to a defendant before he enters a plea — much less after he has done so. This is one of myriad problems in our justice system. As Judge Jed Rakoff wrote several years ago, people who are innocent enter guilty pleas every day. They simply can no longer withstand the unimaginable stress of a criminal investigation. They and their families suffer sheer exhaustion in every form — financial, physical, mental, and emotional. Add in a little prosecutorial duress — like the threat of indicting your son — and, presto, there’s a guilty plea.  read more

9 Comments on General Flynn Should Withdraw His Guilty Plea. His New Judge Is A Government Misconduct Expert

  1. TO B_B
    yes, Flynn set himself up by pleading “guilty,” so his defense team could call for “discovery” of documents which would prove the corruption (be it altered 302’s, fruit of the poisoned tree, etc etc)…which would then lead to the falling of dominoes up the ladder.

    Fun times!

  2. So let me see if I’m tracking the straight. The FBI goes out and shops for a FISA judge to sign off on a warrant to wiretap a Trump supporter. Flynn gets caught up in the wiretap by Mueller and Mueller already knows what Flynn has said. Flynn tells a lie to Mueller. Mueller then goes to the same judge who issued the FISA warrant to prosecute Flynn?

    It’s absolutely corrupt. But, how was that not entrapment?


    Today, Judge Sullivan REVISED an earlier order that required the “Government to produce ANY evidence in its possession that is favorable to Flynn & material to either the defendant’s Guilt or punishment.”

    Case law that states the Supreme Court would find a VIOLATION of Due Process IF Prosecutors have factual EVIDENCE of a defendant’s innocence but FAIL to disclose it prior to Flynn entering the plea!”


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