General Flynn’s First Interview Since Pardon – IOTW Report

General Flynn’s First Interview Since Pardon

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ht/ js

9 Comments on General Flynn’s First Interview Since Pardon

  1. I listened to the interview and it was amazing. General Flynn tells us that he believes President Trump will remain President. He was voted into office and the Democrats concocted a way to still it. I believe General Flynn and I know not to worry. Do not be afraid. This is what the Bible tells us. I believe in General Flynn. Keep your faith in the President. It will all work out. Oh, did I tell you I have a HUGE crush on General Flynn!

    God Bless us all.

  2. This rivals anything in Robert Ludlum’s imagination! Extraordinary, until you consider the desperation of the actors.

    You know, something that seemed very suspect from the outset is the fact the Oblowme’s set up housekeeping in D.C.; one of the very few ex-presidents to do so instead of going home after their term, and very strange considering his wife said how much she disliked the locale. Like many others at the time, I believe their oversized house was the nerve center for this coup. I hope and pray God puts his finger of truth on them.

    I’ve been thinking lately about Nellie Ohr and her ham radio license, too. This is all beginning to sound like “The House on 92nd Street”. You know Valerie Jarret and now Iran’s supposed ties to this election fraud, too.

  3. …I was also alarmingly struck by MacEnerney’s (sp?) comments about the judiciary not having the competence to comprehend and adjudicate accordingly. That’s going to be a facer. I remember when we were all encouraged by Emmett Sullivan’s background in trying computer fraud, and he turns out to be a Fellow Traveler. Also, someone — can’t remember who now — posited that the Supremes will be too concerned about their own, personal situation of themselves and their families living in D.C.; about being unwilling to go the distance. I hope that’s not so.

  4. …And, as I listened to this I was thinking of all of Brad’s comments here the past several weeks. Good for you, BB, I think you nailed it! I held back my questions and/or agreement because it just didn’t seem likely, but this is hard to ignore.


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