George Carlin On Germs and Your Immune System – IOTW Report

George Carlin On Germs and Your Immune System

George Carlin – Germs & Immune system
*Spicy language.
h/t PHenry

The raw sewage swimming in the Hudson River comment cracked me up. 🤣

13 Comments on George Carlin On Germs and Your Immune System

  1. So far, I’ve survived everything that has attacked me. But I continue to be leery of bad crabcakes (crapcakes) in restaurants. They can give you two days of salmonella hell! Not fun. 🙂

  2. I wish I could send this to my relations, they won’t let me come into town to see my grand nephew unless I’m vaccinated and wear a mask. They choose not to understand the concept of natural immunity. Pitiful.

    I might never see my blood relatives in person again.

  3. @General Malaise.

    Sea bugs of any kind gross me out. Crab, Shrimp, Lobster should not be eaten.

    But your immune system is nice and strong. You got that going for you.

  4. As a kid, PHenry, I used to sit on the beach at low tide and eat raw clams. Slice ’em open with my pocket knife and rinse them off in the saltwater. Nowadays you have to worry about paralytic shellfish toxin and other pathogens.

    Interesting, though, we’re all here because our ancestors survived all the plagues, poxes, flu’s and pestilence thrown at them, not to mention droughts, famines, wars and tyrants.

  5. Well, we are all the products of the meanest, baddest, nastiest animals to come before us.

    The others did not survive.

    Why is it everyone wants to believe in The Science TM, and Evolution, but nobody wants to be that fraction that doesn’t survive to make it possible?

  6. I thought I had contracted covid, turns out it was just a hangover…probably the only thing I’m not immune to!

    I have a friend who closes out every email with…”Wash you hands like you just shook hands with a demovRAT!”

  7. I have an acquaintance who wants all unvaxed to die, denied access to hospitals, all medical care, for any condition.

    Pray for those who love us and those who hate us.


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