George F*****g Bush – IOTW Report

George F*****g Bush

A reader asked that I publish this letter that was sent to dubya. He can reveal who he is in the comments if he chooses to.

The Honorable POS George W. Bush
PO Box 259000
Dallas TX 752555-9000

I would like you to know about my son. He is the second of three sons and was
born in 198_. He is the most kind and loving child anyone could ask for. He was very much
influenced by what was happening in the world as a teenager. He decided it was his duty to
serve the country he loved, like his two grandfathers and 4 uncles. I agreed to help him with
college if he would defer service until he graduated from college. However, he decided to enlist
after his first year in school. He joined the Marine infantry and eventually became a scout

After his third year of college he was called up to go to Iraq. He got married and the
next day was shipped off to California to prepare for Iraq (if you forget, that was your war). He
came home the next year and seemed not only well, but a better man. He finished college and
became a school teacher. He has a wife and 4 wonderful children. Out of the blue, after 14
years since returning from Iraq, he has suddenly developed a drinking problem, depression and
severe PTSD. I do not know the details but it seems he had a friend killed the day before his
company left Iraq. My son apparently felt he should have been on that mission instead of his
friend. He had other friends die in Iraq. In addition, suicide among his friends since the war has
taken a toll. His family, job and life are now in turmoil.

My son fought in Fallujah. I know it bothered him greatly when after hard fighting we
later simply walked away from Fallujah and let it go to ISIS. He would never talk to me about
this or anything that happened in Iraq.

I now see the great suffering he is going through and as a parent it is killing me, but it is
nothing compared to what his wife and children are suffering. I cannot tell you how much I
hate you and others like your father, Dick Cheney and deep state republicans and democrats
who have gotten us into wars with no purpose and no end. You and others like you care for no
one but yourselves and your money. You and other deep state “politicians”, through YOUR
actions, have bankrupted and demoralized our country. Joe Bidden is demented. What is your

I don’t think your paintings will help my son. The government and people like you only
fuck up other’s lives. I hope you suffer in HELL you arrogant prick!
I sure your minders (secret “service”, FBI, CIA etc.) will make sure you don’t see this to
protect your feelings from being hurt. Keep on enjoying retirement after the millions of lives
you have ruined !

Sincerely Yours,

34 Comments on George F*****g Bush

  1. AGREED! IOam happy that i never voted for RONNY HATER GWB! It was clear 30 years ago “Dubya” hated Ronny. So , since I voted Ronny 9 times, he hated me.
    He still hates me with every beat of his heart. 9/11/21 he said I am a “domestic terrorist” and worse than all his ROP buddies .

    For those not following GWB the last 20 years; his buds are”Al Quida, ISIS, and Taliban!

  2. May God bless your son with the strength to find sobriety, his wife and their kids to have the strength to be there for him and an increased capacity to forgive him and may, by the grace of God, that family, be healed.

  3. I wonder how W’s presidency would have turned out if 9/11 had never happened. The left would have hated him regardless. ‘Compassionate conservatism’ always sounded like RINO BS to me.

  4. My boss was a Marine Gunny Sgt. who served in both Iraq and Afghanistan and I know he has PTSD from seeing combat in Fallujah. He is a good man and sometimes I worry about him because of this. A few years ago when I hit a moose (actually the moose ran into the side of my van) N. of Sandpoint, Idaho on a pitch black night, my boss had to report the damage to the insurance company and took pictures on his I phone and it made him physically sick from all the blood and fur left by the moose on the right side door of my van. And I know lots of other younger vets who also have PTSD from serving in Irag and Afghanistan including one long haired fellow driver who I didn’t know had been with the 101’st Airborne over there and he told me his story when I told him that I was a Vietnam era vet. War sucks and always will, I hate these bastards who are far too willing to go to war and sacrifice young men’s lives for nothing since World War 2. Stay the hell out of Ukraine, it is not our war. The last thing we need is to fight another war in Europe let alone with the chinks in SE Asia.

  5. Not a legit zip code as written. Someone had stumble fingers. I’m sure it was delivered correctly anyway.

    Looking forward to any updates on this. What is it you hope to accomplish?

    Why you would put yourself on a watch list is beyond me.

    Bets of luck to you.

  6. I found out that my dad’s next older brother had been a sniper as well as a paratrooper at the end of WW 2 just shortly before his death at 89 a few years ago. Fortunately, he didn’t have to serve in Europe since he enlisted late enough in 1944 that he didn’t get ground up as a replacement during the Battle of the Bulge. But he did serve occupation duty in Japan after the war. Growing up in the woods of N. Idaho he was an excellent marksman and hunter as well which served him well to be trained as a sniper. And like the 3 older of my dad’s brother’s he didn’t talk much about his service during WW 2 until late in his life.

  7. “Stay the hell out of Ukraine, it is not our war”

    How about we send all the gay and trans soldiers first? You know, because they are the best in the world.

    Keep those weak-a_ _ patriot red bloods at home!

    Hell, a couple of anonys from here should end the war in a snap.

    They would be devastating. Nothing like dying from laughter.


  8. I know a person who was one of W’s teachers at Philips Andover (prep school). W goofed off in the class and ultimately got a (well-deserved) failing grade. Mom Barbara tried to intervene to have the grade removed from his transcript, but the teacher (and to their credit, the school) stuck to their guns, and he failed the course.

  9. Agreed!

    He squandered all the sympathy the world had After 9/11.

    Otherwise History would have remembered about as muck as someone remembers the Valet that Parked their car the on time every 5 years you go to one of those type functions.

  10. You will remember that the party moguls, and RNC operators flew to Texas to personally recruit the shrub to run for POTUS! He agreed and he has
    now been written into the history books as a dismal and prolific failure!

  11. It’s a shame the POS will never read it, nor understand it if he did.

    I graduated from high school on ‘75 and told my son the other day that 10% of my classmates have passed. He looked at me and said, “so what? Ten percent of the 100 guys I went to Afghanistan with in 2010 have died”. More than one was a suicide.

  12. @Dadof4: There is one too many “5’s” in that zip code. 79255 is Quitaque,Tx about 45 miles from me. They do not have 9000 boxes at the PO and I know George does not live there.
    That said I pray for healing of those affected by their service each day.

  13. I once dated and am still friends with a woman who lived next door to George & Barbara Bush in Houston. As a teenager, she would babysit their grandkids when they had places they needed to be. Her own family was wealthy and politically connected and wielded lots of power. She, on the other hand, was well grounded and level headed. She wasn’t impressed with powerful people and held great contempt for those who abused their power over others. She was disappointed in her father and uncle for the arrogance they displayed toward others. She went her own way and has lived a normal life. She was impressed with the kindness I showed her children and that I treated them with respect. She absolutely loved that I could fix things around the house. She wasn’t used to that. I always liked that she didn’t let herself be corrupted by the powerful people in her life. I had a chance to sit with her a while back and catch up and she is as down to Earth as ever. Good visit!

  14. Rush always said that you could trust the character of people who treated people all the same whether they were rich or poor. It seems that do unto others as they would do unto you is extremely unfavorable to the elites who think that because they’re rich and powerful that their shit doesn’t stink. And besides a lot of well to do people don’t have very satisfactory lives or a satisfied mind.

  15. @Karma is a bitch! March 3, 2022 at 5:25 pm

    > he has now been written into the history books as a dismal and prolific failure!

    Here. Hold my… uh… this kid.

  16. W could use a butt full of Brandon.

    Maybe this year I’ll get around to reading,
    “War Is a Racket,” by Smedley Butler, the
    highly decorated marine who prevented
    W’s granpappy, Prescott Bush from staging
    a coup in 1934.

  17. I’m a registered Libertarian. I make no apologies for that choice. I have heard from countless people, Republicans and democrats about how wrong I am and what’s wrong with the Libertarian party and libertarianism in general.


    W, Obozo, Biden, Clinton(both of them) HW Bush and Carter have all been part of the Uniparty. All of the imagined ills of libertarianism pale to insignificance compared with the actual crimes committed by this coterie of clowns that somehow seem entitled to demand our respect.

    Given what governing has become in this world ask yourself how much government do you actually need and want?


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