George Floyd Depicted as Jesus in Painting – IN CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY! – IOTW Report

George Floyd Depicted as Jesus in Painting – IN CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY!

Daily Signal-

  • A painting depicting George Floyd as Jesus Christ hangs in two locations at The Catholic University of America, The Daily Signal has learned.
  • The artist repeatedly has indicated that his painting depicts both Floyd and Jesus. 
  • “It is just another symptom of the liberalization and secularization of our campus,” a junior at Catholic University tells The Daily Signal. 


28 Comments on George Floyd Depicted as Jesus in Painting – IN CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY!

  1. This is offensive to all Christians, not just Catholics.
    Maybe an artist can do a painting of Floyd holding a knife to a pregnant woman’s stomach. Put it up next to this trash.

  2. Given that BFH is a frickin Michelangelo compared to this dope artist, it should give him some comfort that if this whole blogging thingee does not work out, an assenting career in another field is assured.

  3. Our heavenly father,
    I humbly come before you to ask that you place a hand on the shoulders of the SCOTUS today. Reveal unto them the consequences of their actions, in allowing the corruption that plagues our nation, by this administration.
    In Jesus name,

  4. It is utterly disgusting that anyone would portray criminals, thugs and just useless people as heros, victims and certainly not “saints”. Sadly, this is not uncommon in certain communities. However, it is shocking that the Catholic Church would condone such heresy. Satan is hard at work today and has invaded every institution in the world and has numerous followers in places of power. His followers will certainly pay a high price for their fealty.

  5. S.J. has been anti “Invisible hand of God” for over 1,000 years! Jesuits have been pro abortion for over 100 years. For over 20 years Pope was head of SJ in South America. When they made “Holy Smoke” they knew who they were picking!

  6. Maybe someone more talented (here) could do a counter-picture of St Fentanyl Floyd being f+++d by the Seven Barbed Cocks of Satan.
    Somewhat along the style of Hieronymus Bosch “Hell” or “The Last Judgement”.

  7. That’s a twofer: Bad artwork and bad theology.

    I’m going to guess it’s also cultural appropriation, and the artist probably isn’t black or orthodox. The composition is too trite and forced be informed by real experience.

  8. How about Floyd from Mayberry being held by Joe Biden sniffing his new haircut would be closer yet.

    Galatians 6:7
    Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.

  9. I have posted here frequently that when in college I was in the Campus Ministry and said that if it were up to me I would excommunicate every Goddamned Jesuit and only lift the order on an individual basis and only after a thorough and exhaustive investigation. That was about 1997 and I meant every word and would not back down. It was called for and it was accurate and my words should have been broadcast with the Pope’s imprimatur on It

  10. Can’t blame St. Peter for the rot.

    If the filthy maggots believed in their Creed, none of this bullshit would be going on – a real Pope, no St. George Floyd, no faggots in the priesthood, no liberation theology, no communion for abortion-financers, ex-communication for those who support any and all of the anti-Christs, ex-communication for those who support anti-Christian political movements (Nazism, Communism, Socialism, Demonratism, Progressivism, &c.), and an extraordinary educational movement to help Christian children escape from the pernicious clutches of indoctrination through public “schools.”

    But, as in all human institutions, the self-serving demons of the dark take over – corrupting and despoiling all that is holy and sacred.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  11. Lighning struck and that obscene George Floyd mural in Ohio was destroyed.

    The depiction of George Floyd as Jesus looks like blasphemy. What shall the weather be like?

    plangite mecum propter corruptionem ecclesiae et gentis

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