George Foreman Tells Trump To Forget the Detractors and Keep On Fighting – IOTW Report

George Foreman Tells Trump To Forget the Detractors and Keep On Fighting

George said that when he was in the ring he ignored the boos and just focused on the fight, and he suggests that Trump do the same.

Good advice, George.

I’m sure you told your son George the same thing. And also, George, and let’s not forget George. And George.

For the record, I’ve always liked George Foreman. I can’t imagine him ever being booed when he entered the ring.

ht/ annie

10 Comments on George Foreman Tells Trump To Forget the Detractors and Keep On Fighting

  1. Well Trumps got Foreman and Irion Mike on his side. Two out of three of my favorite fighters. Kenny Norton being the third. Something tells me we haven’t seen Trumps right hand yet.

  2. I’ve got to believe having George Foreman on your side is a net positive. Winning/losing he had some good fights. His fight with Joe Frazier, when he knocked him down 6 times in two rounds was classic.

  3. Dang Joe6pak, Didn’t know you were a fight fan. Me too. Ali was good. Text book Boxer vs Fighter. Always liked the pure fighter myself. Tyson during the title unification fights were the best ever. Old Cuss dying was bad timing. That and Kevin Runey bailing out. Tyson was so fun to watch back then. I hate the MMA. They ruined the best sport ever.

  4. Ali’s tactics in the ring were only the half of it. What happened outside the ring was just as brilliant: Scheduling a fight at a city that sits right on the equator; at four AM; getting the entire nation of Zaire on your side; having crowds shouting chants of “Ali Bomaye” (Kill him, Ali) outside of Foreman’s hotel at night.

    All these event caused Foreman to be a dead man walking, even before he stepped into the ring. That may explain how Ali survived seven rounds of Foreman’s best shots. Foreman, after the first couple of rounds wasn’t at full strength at all. Then, in the seventh round, Ali spots his opportunity, slips out of the corner and does a half circle around Foreman, pops him right on the button, and Foreman goes down just long enough to be counted out.

    I think all that extra curricular stuff was essential to Ali’s victory. I seriously doubt that Ali could have survived “Rope-a-Dope” if the fight had taken place at Madison Square Garden.

  5. I think I agree with you Brad, MMA doesn’t hold my attention for some reason. And I really don’t care for women’s MMA at all. Anyway, back to George Foreman, I would like to believe he is a Trumper.

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