George Santos Arrested on 13 Count Indictment – IOTW Report

George Santos Arrested on 13 Count Indictment

US News and World Report

Rep. George Santos, the embattled freshman Republican known for fabricating large portions of his resume, was arrested on Wednesday on federal criminal charges including fraud, money laundering, theft of public funds and false statements.

The 13-count indictment “seeks to hold Santos accountable for various alleged fraudulent schemes and brazen misrepresentations,” said U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of New York, Breon Peace, in a statement.

“Taken together, the allegations in the indictment charge Santos with relying on repeated dishonesty and deception to ascend to the halls of Congress and enrich himself,” Peace said. More

18 Comments on George Santos Arrested on 13 Count Indictment

  1. Huh – Shouldn’t “relying on repeated dishonesty and deception to ascend to the halls of Congress and enrich himself” put Santos in the Elected Government Official Hall of Fame?

    As he really doesn’t have a voting record to spit on, not sure if he would be on our side or not. However, since he’s was a lying sack of shit before he got elected….

  2. Imagine, the FBI actually doing an investigation. Is Hunter and Joe next on their list?
    Joe has fabricated Lied about large portions of his life, involved in Decades of corruption, money laundering, quid pro quo, taking $Millions of Dollars for himself and family.
    Lets not forget about Hunter, fraud, money laundering, theft of public funds, pedophilia, drugs and false statements when he purchased a firearm.
    The FBI is equally corrupt, I suspect that is why the truth of the Biden criminal enterprise will never be in the courts.
    The political two tiered judicial system takes care of their own.
    When will the FBI Investigators be investigated, charged and prosecuted??

  3. ^^^^^ LMFAO. Brain injury? I’m thinking so. Yo dude, that Russia, Russia, Russia, ship sailed a long time ago. Try and keep up Chin. They’re all named Chin. More Chins than a Chinese phone book.


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