George Washington University Forensics Team Concludes Seth Rich’s Death More Likely Murder For Hire – IOTW Report

George Washington University Forensics Team Concludes Seth Rich’s Death More Likely Murder For Hire

Your move Network Executives and left-wing pundits.


Breaking news out of Washington, D.C. where The Profiling Project — an “all-volunteer group of current and former George Washington University forensic psychology graduate students and instructors” has just released a report on the murder of Seth Rich. Here’s the executive summary with the bombshell suggestion that a “hired killer” was possibly behind the crime:

Whoa. Full document here.

19 Comments on George Washington University Forensics Team Concludes Seth Rich’s Death More Likely Murder For Hire

  1. “…so as to not subject any parties to re-victimization, certain portions of this report are not to be publicly released without permission from the author.”

    Who is the author?

  2. The biggest controversial xxxxx will be when xxxxxxx finally gets what’s coming to her – because everyone that ever came in contact with her will be a suspect.

  3. It wasn’t me
    Anyone else want to admit it wasn’t you.
    We will know in a few months once everyone checks in.
    Who ever doesn’t check in is the guilty party.

  4. I guess Rich’s family will raise holy hell to squelch this. They don’t seem too interested in solving his murder. Wouldn’t want to make the dems look bad, ya know.

  5. Hired killer? How about “someone who knew what they were doing”? I am sure Ds can find able shooters who are committed enough to murder for politics.

    A serial killer who takes out this fellow at a convenient time for Ds?

    What we have here is a planned extermination, whether it was paid for or not.

  6. The parents statement regarding this release prove to me that they either are part of the crime or part of the cover-up. My 2-cent prognostication is that they were paid by the DNC to squelch any and all investigations.

  7. I’m a little confused as they seem to suggest that a professional killer was at work here but also seem to clear anyone with a motive (the DNC or the Clintons for leaing the emails).

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