George Will In Stage 3 of Dementia – IOTW Report

George Will In Stage 3 of Dementia

Read this and tell me he’s medically sound.

Daily Caller –

George Will says conservatives will not go silently into the night if Donald Trump wins the Republican presidential nomination.

The conservative columnist said on Hugh Hewitt’s radio show Tuesday that if the GOP nominates Trump, he and other conservatives will likely defect and support a conservative third party candidate.

“[Y]ou would have to also figure that there would be movement to have a third party candidate because if the election is Hillary Clinton against Donald Trump, this will be the first election since God knows when there was no real conservative candidate,” Will said. “And I don’t think those of us who started our political careers — and I cast my vote for Barry Goldwater, who valued that classic, creative defeat of his because he took the Republican Party and said, ‘henceforth it will be a conservative party.’”

“Those of us who feel that way are not about to sit idly and see the Republican Party — which was saved by William Howard Taft in 1912 for conservatism, that was reclaimed by Barry Goldwater in 1964 for conservatism — we’re not going to let it disappear in 2016.”

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31 Comments on George Will In Stage 3 of Dementia

  1. The. Republic. Is. Lost.
    We need an accomplished criminal mind to keep the kleptocracy afloat. Hillary is the only choice. There must be a 3rd party candidate to make that happen. George Will knows this.

  2. will’s glasses, bow tie, conservative dress and methodical presentation of his vocabulary is deceiving.

    Looking the part and acting (living) the part of conservative thought are two different issues.

    Luckily george will is not looked upon as a conservative as much as he is an establishment talking head. He has no following outside his faux country club viewers and sways few actual votes.

    Just another very well paid political pundit, talking the talk and not walking the walk.

  3. If Trump is the nominee & conservatives go all douchey 3rd party, then the hypocrisy of the jackasses who railed against the possibility of Donald Trump running as 3rd party if he didn’t win the nomination will be blatantly clear.

  4. I don’t think conservatives would go 3rd party certain people would probably just stay home like with Romney and that would be a big mistake. Trump or Cruz we need to take this country back from the progressives!

  5. That’s what happens when someone upsets their well constructed apple cart. Will got to live extremely well in a pseudo conservative world all these years. His mission was to write cover up articles portraying his butt buddies as dyed in the wool conservatives to the party base in order to get their support and votes. Then they laughed all the way to their various elected offices and did the dirty double cross! Will took their money and laughed with them.

  6. Newsflash, George: “Trump” is the sound of Conservatives NOT going quietly into the night. Whatever you’ve been doing is, in fact, that sound: the sound of going along to get along.

  7. Conservative? Do you mean like those who gave BO all the funds he wanted to continue driving the US in a progressive hellhole? Or those who help invaders come to the US. Or those that approve of BO’s appointees, who would be right at home in Venezuela?

    We want a fiery conservative. One who will fight current “conservatives” as well as the progressives. Cruz would work.

    Maybe even better would be a really fiery populist who promises to stop the destruction. Trump would work.

    At least they both promises to stop the invasions.

  8. Right, I’m still waiting for a few of those self professed conservatives to show up. There is only one elected official, to my knowledge, who scores a perfect 100% on the conservative Review scoring sheet (Senator Lee)! My Senator (ran as a Tea Partier) scores in the 60’s!

  9. Hey George, you can’t imagine how little we care. You and your political talking head experts like Karl Rove have been dead to us for a long time. I hope Trump finally achieves what all you “middle-of-the-road-ers” deserve, a good running over and a loud two thumps as both wheels run over your corpse.

  10. Like Inigo Montoya, “I don’t think that (conservative) means what you (Geo. Will) think it means”.

    Give me a momma grizzly, protecting our Constitution, and a building developer, who wants to run government like he runs his projects, (on time and under budget) anytime and let them take a shot at turning this sinking ship around.

    One thing is for sure, the double talking jerk-offs running the show now cannot be trusted. And that includes Geo. Will’s buddies.

  11. It would likely be a GOP Establishment RINO who would be set up as 3rd Party.

    At least, in losing anyway, it would keep the GOPe voters from casting their votes for Hillary.

  12. If the internet had been around in 1984, Reagan would have lost, having been “absolutely proven” to not be a *real* conservative.

    America before Globalism
    (and that’s where Cruz *stumbles* for me)

    Conservative VS Leftist

  13. I won’t vote for Trump. I will vote for a third party candidate if that person meets necessary criteria, or write in Cruz.
    I won’t vote for a baby-killing, Hillary-supporting, homo-hugging

  14. Cruz may have been born in Canada, but I DO trust him more than Trump. We really know where he’s coming from. ( he’s putting it out there). Guve me a president that listens to Jesus anyday.

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