Georgetown Employee Who Resigned After Wishing Conservative ‘A #MeToo Moment’ Gets Fired From Another Job – IOTW Report

Georgetown Employee Who Resigned After Wishing Conservative ‘A #MeToo Moment’ Gets Fired From Another Job

DC: Jeff Bernstein resigned from his position on Georgetown’s Masters of Science in Foreign Service program board after the remark, reported independent journalist Mike Cernovich.

“Wishing you a #MeToo moment,” Bernstein said Saturday to CRTV commentator Allie Stuckey, referencing the hashtag women have used to allege sexual assault. “Maybe then you won’t be so insensitive.”

Bernstein has since deleted his Twitter account.

“Encouraging, threatening or condoning violence and harassment against another person, in any form and on any format, is deeply inconsistent with the values of the program, our school and our university,” said Joel Hellman, a Georgetown dean, in his announcement of Bernstein’s resignation. more

7 Comments on Georgetown Employee Who Resigned After Wishing Conservative ‘A #MeToo Moment’ Gets Fired From Another Job

  1. NOTE TO THE LEFT: Control your rape-impulses if you can.

    NOTE TO THE RIGHT: Stop exposing yourself as a heretic. Losing your job fighting these people is not worth it. Do it anonymously.

  2. Walmart’s hiring at $11/hr after completing training.

    I wonder how many industrial jobs Jeff Bernstein caused to be outsourced to China while he was with Solebury Capital?

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