Daily Caller
A Washington Post op-ed published Thursday suggested Americans should prepare for war if the election result is anything but a landslide for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.
The op-ed, titled “What’s the worst that could happen?” is written by Rosa Brooks, a law professor at Georgetown University. In it, Brooks notes that the Transition Integrity Project, which she co-founded, “built a series of war games,” gathered participants “and asked them to imagine what they’d do in a range of election and transition scenarios.”
“A landslide for Joe Biden resulted in a relatively orderly transfer of power. Every other scenario we looked at involved street-level violence and political crisis,” according to Brooks. More
Bullshit!!! Leftist propaganda bullshit.
Trump wins and we kick their asses. I wouldn’t have it any other way.😁
Here’s a hint: It’s all bluff.
Sharyl Attkisson tweeted this yesterday after the Atlantic article saying Trump hates the troops:
Let me explain.
Scheduled “scandals” will be rolled out regularly between now & Nov. 3.
The media, politicos, propagandists pretend it’s organic & pretend to be aghast.
Most of America understands what’s going on.
After all, it’s not exactly a new approach in politics.
Bring it!
Shoot a commie for your mommie!
Let the games begin.
That’s a nice country you got there, be a shame if something bad happened to it.
Leftists must know the Dems are in for a shellacking by the way they are pumping this stuff out right and left.
What they don’t realize is that if they are shellacked, we won’t be afriad to face them down.
The left will call for peaefulprotest? What a crock.
Thank you Ms. Perfesser dear…. putting a gun to the head of the voters in this country will only drive more people to vote for Trump! It should convince any real American that there is a BIG problem on the Left, one that we don’t need running this country… or should I say running this country into Venezuela!
FTA: “in every scenario except a Biden landslide, our simulation ended catastrophically”
Yeah, for the Commies on the Left!
FTA: “Team Biden repeatedly called for peaceful protests, while Team Trump encouraged provocateurs to incite violence”
Something that hasn’t happened yet, but just wait until these anti fuzznuts go into the burbs! You ain’t seen nuthin yet!
Well the truth is at least she and her idiotic group admit the left are destructive thugs when things do not go their way
I’ll just leave this right here —>
Challenge Accepted!!!
Rosa Brooks’ project is incompetent scientific research filled with “confirmation bias”. Designed to have her “series of war games” produce the answers she wants. Similar to the defective AGW research or a lot of the nutrition research.
She’s made a huge assumption the fighting spirit is gone from patriots who love America. Who will lay down and tolerate abuse from election corruption forever. To get her desired answers.
Here’s yer fucking democRATz “repeatedly called for peaceful protests”:
This is the kind of crap that losers engage in. Let me be clear there is NOTHING that they can say or do that will not have me walking on hot coals, wading through fire and brimstone to vote in PERSON for DONALD J. TRUMP.
Ok, if they attack ‘take as many as you can with you’. This is why we have high capacity magazines.
– Winston Churchill concerning the Germans invading England.
GREAT choice of “representative” (r)s there professor brooks. Those three most certainly have their fingers on the pulses of America!
Frankly, I’m really looking forward to becoming “ruthless and unconstrained”
Ever have any REAL clients??
Thinly veiled threats and promised shakedowns during an already tumultuous period… is a really very stupid thing to do.
I guess the democrats are set on completely destroying their own party. Make way for the Nu Communists- Conservatives, Independents, Republicans, and Liberals will all fight against them.
So, who exactly particpated in this? From the article:
Won’t happen. The Antifa/BLM brownshirts did this same sh** in ’16 but doubled down to ramp up the violence this time since it didn’t work in ’16. Once it doesn’t work again they will go away by the first of February when Soros and the money guys decide to pack it in unil ’24.
Don’t bring urine & feces to a GUNFIGHT, kiddos.
On SECOND thought… go nuts. 😉
Just like when some sportball team wins a title all the locals burn down the city to celebrate. If the Dems claim they won they will act like they have a blank check and a get out of jail free card. Leftists will riot regardless of who wins. Don’t leave your house on Nov 4 unarmed.
Warning? Ha! It sounds like an invitation to the party.
I’m in. I’m ready to show the other side what violence is. I consider this a to be a threat, and I don’t respond well to threats. You don’t scare me! Work on it.
When an enemy tells you that they will turn to violence unless they get their way, they are being an idiot.
The “Prof.” needs to get out of his playpen and read some Sun Tzu.
It’s all chaff, pure and simple,
I doubt if they understand just how many people are chewing at the bit, waiting for the chance to bust their fucking heads.
Hey, prof, you’re asking the losers and suckers, not the Marxist billionaires who write the checks. We’ll see who’s willing to throw money down the rat hole and risk RICO in 2021. Flexibility after the election and such.
Oh fuck you democrats. Bring on the violence then you goddamn satanic cunts from hell. Enough of your fucking threats and menacing. Bring it on already you worthless motherfuckers.
I think she is dead wrong. A Biden victory will not end the riots or antifa. It will embolden them to keep rioting and make them even more destructive. Why? They will expect Biden to limit or stop federal law enforcement from getting involved in local riots. Antifa prefers Biden only because he will lighten up on them. Also, Biden is not going to bring them communism, but a weak form of socialism. They’ll kick that senile old prick to the curb when they no longer need him.
“conservative commentator Bill Kristol “. Really? No one believes that BS label any more. Did BK want that label used or did the author choose it? TDS commentator Bill Kristol is more accurate.
TimBuktu – My thoughts, too. The riots and stupidity would continue under Biden because he’s not the one controlling them. Neither are the Dems who are waddling around.