Georgia Cop Fired By Chief After Public Outcry – IOTW Report

Georgia Cop Fired By Chief After Public Outcry

A rookie still on probation was terminated without cause (which can be done during this phase of his career) because of public outcry.

The perp’s family said he was strangled by the police while on the ground and the police ran him over with a car.

Here’s the footage.


36 Comments on Georgia Cop Fired By Chief After Public Outcry

  1. It’s a tough line to toe, between the housing projects of east Athens and the lefty hipster townies of UGA. I bet the police chief is a prog like the mayor.

  2. Those treadmarks are visible from about 0:49 to 4:46, at least to my eyes. Either that or his mama put his head in the waffle iron when he was a baby.

    Strangle? I didn’t see any strangling. And I didn’t see him being run over, only being bumped by the cop car. Quite gently bumped under those circumstances.

  3. He means they ‘ran over’ to him after he folded like a Bedouin tent when he saw he was going to get thumped.
    I bet he gets another LEO job in a rural town where his innovative thinking will be considered a plus

  4. The cop tried to get the nose pf the car in front of him and there was contact as a result. It looks like the perp goes into the car back first. As if he turned and jumped onto the hood to try and setup a claim. I’m going with the cop on this one.

  5. I pinned a burglar fleeing on his bicycle into corner of an apartment carport with the push bars in the front bumper of my patrol car. He was about to escape through an exit and, well, it was the work of the moment. His eyes were as big as saucers; probably thought I was a crazy woman driver and best to just give up. I didn’t squish him either! 😁

  6. I guess asymmetrical warfare is supposed to be illegal in the Hood? If the perp runs on foot, the cop is supposed to leave his car and chase on foot? If the perp is unarmed, cop now needs to disarm? The move made by the cop has been on nearly every cop movie and cop Tee Vee show since Dragnet. Now they can’t use it why? Oh yeah…Racism!!!

  7. You guys are missing the actual “crime”:
    A man was hit by a car, laid out semi-conscious on the road and instead of calling an ambulance immediately, they man handled him to get cuffs on and flipped him over, dragged him into the gutter and then lifted him to sit on the curb.
    If he had a spinal injury, they could have turned him into a quadriplegic, costing tax payers to support him for another 50 years.
    F%$# these lousy cops. Instead of firing him, he should be in jail and the others charged as accessories.
    I cannot believe IOTW readers would support this kind of life threatening behavior. Next time it will be you or your’s and I’ll do the laughing.
    You guys need to get off you cop loving meds.

  8. LOL

    You have to be a complete moron to miss the struggle he put up after being hit. Intellectually dishonest, you are.

    Please tell us your opinion of cops cuffing someone they just shot 8 times and won’t live to see the ambulance.

    If you don’t like it, become a cop and show everyone the “right” way to enforce law.

    Pro tip: Get some life insurance first to help the loved ones you will leave behind in short order.

    If you don’t want any cops at all, fine. No more arguing from me. I’ll just shoot the MF’ers committing crime in my sight and save society the court, jail costs and property loss.

    These cops were restrained. You’re ignorant.

    You are arguing FOR crime to reign and you probably don’t even know it.

    P.S. Is this guy another Larry the Liberal catfish? Perfect imitation.

  9. It’s easy to criticize law enforcement from a computer keyboard, it’s an entirely different world out there when you have to deal with every lowlife POS scum that would rather kill you than go to court for a speeding ticket. Instead of talking shit, put on a badge and gun and go live it!

  10. dadof4:
    I saw no struggle, no fighting, hardly any motion. And you can’t prove otherwise. What I did see, was somebody trying to twist an arm where it won’t go, a possibly injured human being being roughed around in a way that completely ignores what any sane medical professional would do.
    So yeah, I admit. I’m a moron and intellectually dishonest.
    At least I am not a right or wrong cop groupie.
    Unless this guy was fleeing a murder scene or escaped custody after being charged with murder, there is no lawful reason to us deadly force.
    You go pay the rotten cop’s legal fees and I will wait to see what a Jury decides.
    This moron will be laughing his ass off when you or your’s get nailed like that.
    And to Anonoymous, hiding behind a dummy name, I did asswipe, been on hundreds of accidents scenes and put hundreds of people in jail.
    Now go back sucking your thumb….or your cop buddy’s.

  11. Hey Mark S. McGrew, the unjustly fired cop already has a new job as Sheriff deputy in neighboring Oglethorpe County. People who know what actually happened, as opposed to barstool justice warriors, are not fooled by ghetto soccer falls.

  12. he was fired for using deadly force where is was not justified. That shows poor decision making skills in a high stress situation, one of the precise things police are hired to do.

    That guy was a large lawsuit waiting to happen.

  13. I think instead of sirens blaring it should be a recording of a loud voice stating “WE HAVE YOU ON CAMERA”.

    Would shut the woman up in the background trying to dictate the narrative.


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