Georgia: Gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams(D) is ‘sick and tired of hearing about the free market’ – IOTW Report

Georgia: Gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams(D) is ‘sick and tired of hearing about the free market’

WATimes: Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams says that she is “sick and tired about of hearing about the free market” when discussing health care policy.

Peach State voters will soon decide if the Republican Governors Association was correct when it claimed that Ms. Abrams is “the most radical liberal to ever run for governor.” They received another data point to consider Sunday when the Democrat spoke at a “Men’s town hall” on her frustrations with capitalism.

“I am sick and tired of hearing about the free market being the solution to this problem [of health care costs] because I’ve never seen the free market write a prescription in rural Georgia,” she said.

The clip was spotlighted Tuesday by the Republican Party’s “GOP War Room” YouTube channel.

“The problem with the free market is the free market needs to make a profit, and there is no profit in doing the right thing,” she continued.

Republican opponent Brian Kemp, Georgia’s secretary of state, says on his campaign website that Ms. Abrams‘ ideal situation would build on the “systemic failures of Obamacare by moving us towards a government run, single payer healthcare system that will cost billions … and ultimately bankrupt” Georgia.   more


18 Comments on Georgia: Gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams(D) is ‘sick and tired of hearing about the free market’

  1. @ a non a moose,
    If your voter base is ignorant and naive and are subsidized generation after generation by the Gov’t this is the representation you get. It’s just another example of black on black crime IMHO.

  2. Dear, the free market creates the life saving medications that government then decides to control via regulations and laws. Has anyone anywhere ever listened to a bigger dolt?

  3. Here in Saskatchewan, a mother of a Cystic Fibrosis child is advocating for the provincial government to provide life-saving medicine (annual cost of $ 240,000) for each of the 60 children in the province with CF. That would be 14.4 million dollars per year. The doctor wait times are insane, SK is a province of maybe 1.2 million people. It is sad that her child was born with CF, but hey stuff happens all the time. This is problem with socialized medicine, every body expects the government to fund their problem.

  4. A market based economy exists for companies to make a profit, yet can almost always deliver goods and services cheaper and more efficiently than the government. Furthermore, as complete monopolies government agencies have little to no incentive to innovate because the status quo is just fine for politicians and bureaucrats.

    Just yesterday, this site had a post on Swedish “socialism” wherein it was mentioned that Sweden privatized a lot of former government functions for the sake of efficiency and cost savings. As a general rule, politicians have absolutely no experience in managing the enterprises they propose to take over (See “Venezuela”), yet escape responsibility for their actions because the government cannot fail since they enforce their policies at gunpoint. Indeed, with regard to US healthcare, many economists have argued that it is ridiculously expensive precisely because of government over regulation.

  5. Oh, please, Lord, save us from this woman. My husband and I voted on Saturday and the crowd we stood in line with was disheartening, to say the least. One woman had a shirt that read, “i’m Rooting for everyone black.” Do you think I would have been allowed to stay in line had I worn a shirt with the sentiment reversed?

  6. Every word a socialist speaks against capitalism is intentional. The collapses of our Representative Republic is the goal. They know Democrat ingnorant hordes are clueless the very liberties they enjoy, take advantage of and depend upon are based on a free market. Hopefully, the Georgia legislation will be controlled by Republicans and make Comrade Adams a lame duck if she wins.

  7. We got Obama because he was at least half black. Stacy is all black. Our early voting here in Georgia is setting records for the number of ballots cast.

    We’re about to find out if our state has succumbed to the dark side.


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