Georgia: Investigators Have Video of 240 Leftist Operatives Dumping Thousands of Ballots from Backpacks into Drop Boxes in Middle of the Night – IOTW Report

Georgia: Investigators Have Video of 240 Leftist Operatives Dumping Thousands of Ballots from Backpacks into Drop Boxes in Middle of the Night

Update at the bottom.

GatewayPundit- Radio host John Fredericks joined Steve Bannon on Friday morning to drop this EXPLOSIVE development in Georgia.

According to John Fredericks state officials now have video of 240 leftist operatives he called “ballot traffickers” dumping tens of thousands of ballots into drop boxes in the middle of the night in locations across Georgia.

The leftist operatives were identified making numerous drops in the middle of the night. They were filmed emptying their backpacks of ballots into the drop boxes in the middle of the night. Ballot harvesting is not legal in Georgia. MORE

UPDATE: True the Vote Prepared to Go to Police in Georgia with Video Evidence of Leftist Operatives Dumping Thousands of Ballots into Georgia Voter Drop Boxes — MORE STATES INVOLVED.

25 Comments on Georgia: Investigators Have Video of 240 Leftist Operatives Dumping Thousands of Ballots from Backpacks into Drop Boxes in Middle of the Night

  1. Man, I hope someone pulls their head out of their ass and gets these investigations going, and results announced. I don’t think I’ve ever seen this country in such bad shape. This guy makes Carter look like Ronald Reagan. We need this clown out of office. I would think that after last week we would have some motivated individuals.

  2. I listen to John Fredericks Radio every morning. He is not prone to hyperbole. He is an owner of the Georgia Star News website and has a couple good reporters. If he says the vid exists, then I am inclined to believe him although I would prefer the evidence just gets dropped instead of ‘bombshell reports’.

  3. Georgia suicides will be up by morning. Those strange 2 & 3 shots suicides.
    The sooner the videos are released the safer they will be.
    But then again Lindell’s “Absolute proof” has had no effect against the swamp.

  4. let me guess, Cocaine Mitch will see this and promptly say the RNC is not going to press for any investigation. Please donate at 1-800-WORTH-LESS for our next deep state election.

  5. Dr. Douglas G Frank explains information he discovered as he reviewed election outcomes. He claims a baseline for the vote was created by an algorithm that uses the census to give the illusion of registered voters. Then it’s controlled by counties.

    Based on the number of digits in the algorithm Dr Frank proved it was as simple as plotting the curve in Excel.

  6. Of course, this is a problem that could be easily solved via snipers’ nests near drop boxes in future elections. When someone starts dumping hundreds of ballots into a drop box, shoot their bag. Interpret that any way you like.

  7. officials
    investigators and
    True the Vote have 1 or is it 2 terabyte (a million gigabytes) of data, images, so on.
    1 TB equals 1,000 gigabytes (GB) or 1,000,000 megabytes (MB).
    Terabyte = a unit of information equal to one million million (10to the 12th power or, strictly, 2 to the 40th power bytes.)
    (copy and paste is hard)

    that’s 72,000 videos – Make popcorn – Videos will be released “soon”

    Pinging cell phones for location and security footage

    At this point what difference does it make…

  8. Dear Zonga,

    1,000 Gigabytes = 1 Terabyte
    1,000 Terabytes = 1 Petabyte
    1,000,000 Gigabytes = 1,000 Terabytes = 1 Petabyte

    I’ll be here all day if the malaise persists. 🙂

  9. Splash it all over the internet. Oh wait, Big Tech!

    Trump won and we all Know it!

    He was right on almost everything except for , Fauci, Milley, and a few others.

  10. This news fits right in with the arrest made last week, herein California, of a guy who had a backpack full of ballots. The story didn’t make sense to me until today. Organized crime.

  11. As DavidW wrote, above: there’s credible speculation that Trump either won WA or was within enough votes for a recount here, too.

    And here’s what the King County (Seattle) GOP pup said to me when I called to ask if there was anyone going to AZ to meet with the audit team: “We have the most secure elections possible in WA state! There’s no reason for anyone to question the outcome of this past election!”

    Guess what? The very next week I read that WA state sent a delegation down to Maricopa. I couldn’t find any details on who or what they learned, but it seems SOMEONE in Trump’s camp thought it might be a good idea to audit WA. We’ll see. Freakin’ GOP!!


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