Georgia Lawsuit Online – Includes 40,279 votes of people who moved without re-registering in their new county – IOTW Report

Georgia Lawsuit Online – Includes 40,279 votes of people who moved without re-registering in their new county


Posted by u/Doc_LibertyClassical Liberal | USMC

1,585 pages alleging: 2,560 felons voted. 66,247 underage voters, 2,423 votes from people not registered, 40,279 votes of people who moved without re-registering in their new county.

see it here

4 Comments on Georgia Lawsuit Online – Includes 40,279 votes of people who moved without re-registering in their new county

  1. “2,560 felons voted”

    Every aspect of The Steal comes right out of the well worn Democrat election theft playbook.

    I distinctly remember that in 2004 the Democrats discarded the envelopes and then co-mingled ballots cast by felons who were ineligible to vote. Then argued, successfully before the totally corrupt court that this would have no effect that could change the election because felons can be expected to vote for Democrats or Republicans at the same percentages as the public at large.

    The fact they were able to advance this argument with a straight face is a window into their total lack of character.

    Others did not remember this aspect of the gubernatorial election theft and I had to do a little digging, but here is a paper written by a professor at the University of Washington (an institution that long ago lost any respect I had for it) defending the Democrat’s ludicrous position.

  2. I have a thought…. stay with me here….. what if?…. and I know this is gonna sound crazy…. but what if We the People decided that having the “elected” people in charge of “elections” wasn’t a good idea? Call me “Kooky” but it I think there’s something odd going on here… I just can’t put my finger on it.


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