Georgia Picks Most Decrepit Jail For Trump To Turn Himself In – IOTW Report

Georgia Picks Most Decrepit Jail For Trump To Turn Himself In


Notorious for scabies outbreaks and ‘unhygienic’ conditions – ex-president must surrender there by next Friday.

Donald Trump has until next Friday to turn himself in to an Atlanta jail described as ‘unhygienic’ and ‘overcrowded,’ where scabies outbreaks have occurred and several prisoners have been found dead in their cells.

The former president and notorious germaphobe, along with his 18 co-defendants, were indicted on Monday on charges of attempting to overturn Georgia‘s 2020 election. They were told they had until noon on August 25 to surrender, or else arrest warrants would be issued.

They must surrender to Fulton County jail on Rice Street in Atlanta – a facility built in 1985, which many say now needs to be demolished.

Footage from inside the jail shows the horrible conditions of broken equipment, filthy halls and trash strew throughout the area.

Fulton County Sheriff Pat Labat said officials will follow ‘normal practices’ when processing Trump. That would usually include fingerprinting, handcuffing and a booking photo. 


24 Comments on Georgia Picks Most Decrepit Jail For Trump To Turn Himself In

  1. I slogged through about one-half of the 90 page plus indictment. What I read was almost all bullshit, and if this is indicative of Georgia’s government prosectors, it’s embarrassing, childish, unprofessional and clearly political. Defendants asking for meetings. Sidney Powell undertaking investigatory actions. People asking for contact information for Georgia politicians. Defendants asking for information regarding election activies in other states. People sending memos to each other. Donald Trump stating his opinion in public tweets. Defendants trying to determine if they can have other electors (something the Democrats have actually tried to do in the past). One defendant trying to obtain access to watch verification processes – according to the indictment he was turned away. Defendants petitioning for special legislative sessions.

    The clear message in the indictment was “don’t you dare question the election.” But there is video of Georgia election workers taking boxes from under a table and putting up paper screens so election watchers cannot watch the count. There was also a phony “evacuation” where everyone was supposedly cleared from the area due to a water leak, but in actuality the count continued. Questioning these incidents is also apparently a ground for criminal charges.

    What was absent from what I read was any actual criminal conduct. No one was physically or, apparently, mentally threatened. There was no violence or threat of violence involved. There was no bribery or money illicitly paid (or at all, according to what I read so far). Some of the facts involved tweets and posts which were public and should be protected by the First Amendment. RICO is complicated, but requires predicate criminal acts – in what I read I did not see any criminal acts which could be the required predicate acts. What I saw was defendants questioning the election and discussing various ways to rectify what they believed was massive fraud – which also includes trying to gather information.

    Maybe the good stuff was in pages 45 through 90, which I didn’t get to. But I doubt it; this was clearly a lot of crap involving a lot of defendants which is clearly calculated to take a long time to sort out and try – long enough that Trump will probably have this hanging over his head throughout the next election. And it involves a lot of alleged criminal conduct which most of us assumed we could do as Americans supposedly governed by the U.S. Constitution – things like speak our piece, petition the government, engage in other Constitutionally protected activities.

    Ah, but the grand jury returned a true bill. Yes, but legal folks know that a grand jury would indict a ham sandwich if the case is presented properly. Grand jury sessions are one-sided; defendants aren’t even permitted to be present much less participate. This whole thing smells of political corruption.

  2. Wyatt

    I don’t think it matters. They’re going to load their own jury. They’re bound and determined to keep him from running. I can only think of one way to stop them. And that’s not going to happen.

  3. Excuse me, the comment “Project much” is ment for the comment before yours. The Georgia cases are now a matter for the courts,judges & jurys to decide.
    Of course there are those that condone/dismiss Trump & his alleged co-defendants. Others think they guilty as charged.

  4. @ Anonymous at 12:21 pm

    Sure. It’s not like Georgia hasn’t demonstrated numerous times that it is a backward shithole.
    A moronic hippo like Stacey Abrams couldn’t win any primary in most states (particularly if the voter base has a literacy rate >40%.

    And how about that utterly fabulous mayor of AtlAnus.

  5. ^^^^ Stupid? Takes one to know one. Typical Trumptard talk, when the going gets tough, we gets stupid. We’ll see just how stupid someone is when Mr Jackass can’t follow court rules & his court trial date gets upped. For good-ole Donny is bout as stupid as they come.

  6. ” For good-ole Donny is bout as stupid as they come.”

    That’s pretty funny considering who’s in office right now.
    If “Donny” is that stupid, he must have made some terrible policy decisions. Name one.

  7. I invested in popcorn futures. Looks like that investment will be paying back bigly time in dividends. A little butter anyone? Oh sir, here you go, you dropped your tinfoil hat.

  8. ^^^^ They’ll never answer that question. Because they have no idea what Trump’s policies are. They were told to dislike him so like obedient little zombies that what they do.

  9. So…..PDJT sends in a clean up crew to scrub and sanitize the jail before his arrival. Accompanied by the SecServ. I would dare anyone from Georgia to stop them.

  10. Dr. Hambone

    I think you’re right. And the reason believe so is the asshole Republicans in charge do not represent the values of conservatives voter in the state. They’ve been lied to and betrayed. That Gov is actually a Libtard. He doesn’t even qualify as a RINO.


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