Georgia Whistleblowers Fired Before Senate Runoff Elections – IOTW Report

Georgia Whistleblowers Fired Before Senate Runoff Elections


Early voting in the GA Senate runoff election has been underway all week. It’s for the two remaining seats in the Senate, which will determine which party controls the upper chamber for at least the next two years. Georgia is, of course, one of the states with heavily contested results in the presidential race. President Trump is currently behind Joe Biden less than 12,000 votes with multiple legal cases pending.

Our guests have been deeply involved in all of this and say they are concerned about the runoff election too. Joining us are Suzi Voyles, a long time poll manager in Fulton County—but not any more; and Debbie Fisher, a poll watcher in Cobb County. 

14 Comments on Georgia Whistleblowers Fired Before Senate Runoff Elections

  1. They scored a touchdown on an illegal play and the refs missed it. Now they’re going for two and running the same play and expecting the refs to look the other way again. Bold strategy, but it just might work. Won’t stop me from voting, though. It’s all I can do.

  2. Surely, the Republicans will be ready for them this time and have all kinds of safeguards in place to discover and prevent any improprieties before they happen.

    If they aren’t, then they simply don’t deserve to win.

    That “fool me once” sort of thing.

  3. Well say hello to the New Communism of the 21st Century and the Irony Curtain of the Shameless, Complicit, Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media who will tell us they are just reporting the “news” when they’re actually working overtime to shove their lying propaganda down yer throat and up yer ass!

  4. “Surely, the Republicans will be ready for them this time and have all kinds of safeguards in place to discover and prevent any improprieties before they happen.

    If they aren’t, then they simply don’t deserve to win.

    That “fool me once” sort of thing.”

    — You assume the Republicans aren’t actually in on it, for God only knows what reason.


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