Geraldo on Castro: All-Awful View Is ‘Simplistic,’ ‘Will Be Remembered Fondly’ – IOTW Report

Geraldo on Castro: All-Awful View Is ‘Simplistic,’ ‘Will Be Remembered Fondly’


In a Saturday morning appearance on Fox & Friends, Geraldo Rivera, who interviewed Fidel Castro in 1977 when he worked at ABC News, mostly defended the Cuban dictator whose death was announced Friday night.

Rivera, while admitting earlier in the five-minute segment that “Communism stinks, we all know that,” and that “Communism cannot compete with capitalism,” nevertheless insisted in the segment’s second half that the “all awful” view of Castro is “simplistic,” and that “he will be remembered fondly” by the Cuban people.

Rivera’s most ignorant claim in the segment’s first half (full version here) was his prediction that “(President Barack) Obama’s outreach to Cuba” will help “the legacy of Castro to crumble.”

more here

SNIP:  Here is a Geraldo-doing-stupid-things flashback.

30 Comments on Geraldo on Castro: All-Awful View Is ‘Simplistic,’ ‘Will Be Remembered Fondly’

  1. The immortal words of Will Penny:

    Will Penny: That’s always the way, ain’t it?

    Alex: What’s always the way?

    Will Penny: Let a man die, right away he’s “good old Claude,”
    How was he “before” he bucked out?

    The libs said the same of Stalin. Geraldo is a shithead.

  2. Most of these people are seduced by the proximity to fame. But the evidence of Fidel Castro and Che Guevara’s crimes are so evident, that you have to question everything these nattering nabobs of negativism say or report. One of these days the whole rotten system will collapse, and they still won’t tell the truth about Castro and Guevara.

  3. Geraldo (and Williams) are to Fox what the clap would be to a nun. A commie can kill, torture imprison as many as they want, but those who fight against them are hated, skewered, pilloried, and reviled by our media and all its Democrat buddies. Didn’t notice Rivera moving to the “Paradise Island”. Not too late. I agree with Claudia, can’t stand any of them, won’t watch them.

  4. Geraldo was doing the Jackass show long before Johnny Knoxville came along, and picked that name for the show.

    For an encore Geraldo can sail Castro to hell on his yacht Voyager, and provide personal comfort-girl services during the voyage.

  5. for the best history of Castro and Guevara, read Humberto Fontova’s books on Cuba.

    Castro and his thugs stole a Caribbean capitalist paradise with the willing aid of the American mainstream media.

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