German army looking for Islamist infiltrators in its ranks – IOTW Report

German army looking for Islamist infiltrators in its ranks

RT: German Military Intelligence (MAD) is looking into nearly 300 cases of potential extremists, including Islamist infiltrators in its ranks, and is mulling tougher screening for recruits because of the situation, Die Welt reports, citing military sources.

“Currently the MAD is checking a three-digit number of suspected extremists in the armed forces: 268 right-wing extremists, 64 Islamists and six left-wing extremists,” Die Welt reported on Sunday, citing an unnamed military official.

According to the outlet, the MAD has tip-offs about plans to enroll so-called “short-term servicemen” into the German army (Bundeswehr) for them to get proper military training.

The intelligence agency is also reported as saying that so-called “green-on-blue,” or insider, attacks, would be possible in that case.

“Risks by such perpetrators for the military compounds inside and outside the country cannot be excluded in that regard.”

In a bid to counter potential dangers, the Bundeswehr plans to introduce security checks for new recruits via the MAD. According to the plan, extremists, terrorists and criminals should in this way be denied any chance to join the ranks of the army.  MORE

7 Comments on German army looking for Islamist infiltrators in its ranks

  1. It’s like for domestic terrorism in US of A – the gov be looking for a handful of alleged Christian extremists – eventually to be run by scuzziemuzzie supremacists to round up said Christians…

  2. All they need to do to identify these people is to set up a hidden night-vision camera aimed at a field near their barracks. Then put a herd of goats in that field and wait a week.

    The recruits that are sneaking out to fuck the goats are the muslim infiltrators.

    You’re welcome, Germany.

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