German Car Makers Worried U.S. Will Have Competitive Edge After We Pull Out of Paris Climate Deal – IOTW Report

German Car Makers Worried U.S. Will Have Competitive Edge After We Pull Out of Paris Climate Deal


Germany’s powerful car industry said Europe would need to reassess its environmental standards to remain competitive after the United States said it would withdraw from the Paris climate pact.

President Donald Trump said on Thursday he would withdraw the United States from the landmark 2015 global agreement to fight climate change, drawing anger and condemnation from world leaders and heads of industry.

“The regrettable announcement by the USA makes it inevitable that Europe must facilitate a cost efficient and economically feasible climate policy to remain internationally competitive,” Matthias Wissmann, president of the German auto industry lobby group VDA, said in a statement on Friday.

“The preservation of our competitive position is the precondition for successful climate protection. This correlation is often underestimated,” Wissmann said, adding that the decision by the Unites States was disappointing.

The VDA said electricity and energy prices are already higher in Germany than in the United States, putting Germany at a disadvantage.

The VDA represents carmakers including BMW (BMWG.DE), Volkswagen (VOWG_p.DE), and Mercedes-Benz parent Daimler (DAIGn.DE).

The VDA’s warning comes as German Chancellor Angela Merkel, one of the strongest advocates of the global pact to curb emissions of gases that speed climate change, said there was no turning back from the 2015 Paris climate agreement.

21 Comments on German Car Makers Worried U.S. Will Have Competitive Edge After We Pull Out of Paris Climate Deal

  1. WOW they just realized cheap energy runs a booming economy. They’ll be taking their coal plants out of storage and buying fuel from us.

    Making the Climate Great Again!

  2. “The regrettable announcement by the USA makes it inevitable that Europe must facilitate a cost efficient and economically feasible climate policy to remain internationally competitive,” …

    “The preservation of our competitive position is the precondition for successful climate protection. This correlation is often underestimated,”…

    Boy, that Wissman fella is gifted with the EU weaslespeak. No wonder people are choosing to talk, instead, about DJT Jr.’s Crossfit times. LOL

  3. Maybe they sould be asking wear their Energy Money is Going, and what it’s actually being spent on.
    I had to laugh the other day, when Kerry was interviewed and remarked how unhappy the Nicaraguans were !!! (LOL)

  4. Even though I knew that lots of our taxpayer money was going to support welfare slobs, I didn’t think about all the welfare countries.

    This is really going to hurt … THEM! Bwaaaaaaa hahahahaha hahahaha HA HA

    Now I want my taxes to get cut in half. For starters.

  5. We shouldn’t have pulled out of the accord. After all, we can trust Europe and especially the Germans to be completely trustworthy and honest in reducing emissions, just like they did with how clean running their VW’s were to import to the United States.

    Oh wait, they lost that court decision because they lied.

  6. We must hold the Germans accountable to the Paris Accord. For the schadenfreude value, if nothing else. German CO2 emissions have been increasing while the US has been decreasing ours. To kill two birds with one stone, the US must ban the import of German luxury cars. Not only will it reduce German factory emissions, but reduce future US CO2 emissions as well. Do it for the children.

  7. Angela Merkel is committed to the climate agreement – that is a choice Germany has made. We are not committed to the Paris Accord – that is a choice the United States made. So far as I am concerned, Germany can continue on whatever path it wants, while we can continue on a path we deem to be in the best interests of the United States, and each nation can bear the consequences of its own actions.

    The question no one in the media is asking is why Europe gets to drive American climate policy. But on the bright side, Macron has already invited liberals dissatisified with Trump’s decision to move to France. Please go.

  8. ““The preservation of our (German) competitive position is the precondition for successful climate protection.

    Oh, so long as Germany keeps the upper hand while its competitors get screwed, gotcha.

    “This correlation is often underestimated,” Wissmann said, adding that the decision by the Unites States was disappointing.”

    Trump is not in the game to make Germany first and USA 39th or have you not heard what Trump has been saying for over a year? We know you have cause Beta Male Merkle and Der Spitgal have crying about Trump since his election.

  9. They already cheated blatantly and desperately on their unrealistic car emissions standards just to remain competitive. And the same German Government that is raging against PDT knowingly looked the other way when they did it. For them to blurt the truth right when Merkel needed it the least, they must have a death wish. There will be sanctions by Frau Merkel against the wreckers in the German State Auto Kombinat.

  10. German engineering has generally always been good. They make fine camera lenses, world famous microphones and I’m sure many other things. I think their cars are a weak link. I wouldn’t own a German car. Expensive to buy and maintain. My 15 year old Toyota Camry and has had one major failure, the fuel pump died. I have driven Camry’s since 1985 and each one was better than the last and they all were exceptionally reliable.

  11. Douche-nozzle Krauts are like all the rest.
    The USA will pay, because they are so rich.
    I have a relation that thinks that because I make more than she does that I should happily absorb any costs above what she feels she should pay, because: “You make a lot of money”
    I make a lot of money, and as an independent contractor it costs me a lot to make it, putting me in not that different of an income bracket than she is. Only I bust my ass with ten times the responsibility.
    Screw these poor relations (Europe, Latin America) Uncle Sam has bills to pay. We owe the kind of money countries invade other countries to get back.
    Don’t like it?
    Call Mr. Trump

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