German firefighters rescue fat rat from manhole cover – IOTW Report

German firefighters rescue fat rat from manhole cover



27 Comments on German firefighters rescue fat rat from manhole cover

  1. Richard Gere! After all this time certainly has deeply been in-bedded in you!
    Ogh ogh here she comes, shes a manhole reader,,,
    It’s a job,,,
    Hall and Oats

  2. Is the swing of the pendulum to try and offset the country’s history of atrocities complete yet?
    (Particularly since all of their contrition and reparations have been a complete disaster, thus far.)

  3. At first I was wondering why they let a disease carrying vermin loose after rescue but then I thought of their immigration stance and it suddenly made sense.

  4. Obviously no one knows about Whack-a-Mole. Grab a bat, hit it back down. Don’t have a bat? Then step on it. On top of it all, 4 dudes to lift a manhole cover and require shims to hold it up? Bad Brad should go over there and show how it can be lifted with a single pinky finger.


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