German Highway Banner: “Your Children will Pray to Allah or will all DIE!” – IOTW Report

German Highway Banner: “Your Children will Pray to Allah or will all DIE!”

islam  germany

Pamela Geller: Germany’s vice chancellor said today it could take in one million migrants this year. Despite reinstated border checks, Sigmar Gabriel says anyone seeking asylum in Germany can stay until ruling on their case is made.

Here’s what they can expect.

This al hijrah is a Muslim invasion.

The above photo was taken over the weekend in Sindelfingen,  Germany, close to the Mercedes Factory.

Europe (and the U.S. under Obama) are importing jihad. For years, I have warned against the massive Muslim immigration under refugee resettlement programs. What are Muslims fleeing? Shariah law?


23 Comments on German Highway Banner: “Your Children will Pray to Allah or will all DIE!”

  1. Arm yourselves and stockpile ammo and learn how to use it. Or, buy a prayer rug and learn how to use that. Either way you will using one someday not too far off in this country.

  2. That is a serious death threat that will be carried out unless they round up those jihadis and send them far away. But Do Not send them here!

    At the very least they are bringing what they claim to be fleeing.
    More likely, they are coming to bring jihad and advance the caliphate. And they are doing just that here – With B.Hussein 0bama’s blessings.

    The longer we wait to act, the stronger they get. And our military continues to decline in strength under the traitor 0bama.

  3. No. AND: she has been roundly REAMED (politically, I mean who would, oh GROSS…nevermind) for her initial words.

    In case you are not aware, the government has taken many MANY steps since that time to restrict/close the flow.

  4. <blockquote<That is a serious death threat that will be carried out unless they round up those jihadis and send them far away. But Do Not send them here!
    Hey, but it would be the tolerant thing to do to meet them halfway on that. Specifically, we should invite the Germans to send them halfway here. Using the great circle from Berline to DC, that means drop them off about halfway between Ireland and Newfoundland. With little plastic Porky Pig inflatable water wings.
    Allahu Akblub-blub-blub-blub!

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