German Minister Slams Facebook for Enabling Holocaust Denial, Racial Incitement – IOTW Report

German Minister Slams Facebook for Enabling Holocaust Denial, Racial Incitement



Germany’s Minister of Justice and Consumer Protection attacked social media giant Facebook for allowing the circulation of Holocaust denial, Israel’sChannel 2 reported on Sunday.

Minister Heiko Maas said Facebook’s lax policing of anti-Jewish hate amounted to a violation of German law, and demanded that Facebook differentiate between what it allows in the United States and what it allows in Germany.

“Holocaust denial and racial incitement are crimes in Germany, and it doesn’t matter if they are uploaded to Facebook or said in the marketplace,” said Maas.


5 Comments on German Minister Slams Facebook for Enabling Holocaust Denial, Racial Incitement

  1. Holocaust denial is a punishable offence under german law.
    His intent is to stop ppl complaining about like 700.000 muslims flooding our country in 2015 alone, bringing along all the known probs like islamic antisemitism, mysoginy, halal slaughter, etc.
    On the other hand you can slander the jews (or Israel) pretty much unpunished on FB, so this really should be changed.

  2. Isn’t it time for the German people to quit being afraid of ideas, labels and opinions?
    Hitler rose to power by suppressing contrary opinion and disarming the population he didn’t like, like colleges here and now.
    Seems there’s a lesson here?
    Damnit, Godwin bit me again.

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