German Mom Gets 12 Years For Selling Son to Pedophiles – IOTW Report

German Mom Gets 12 Years For Selling Son to Pedophiles

A couple, only identified by the German justice system as Berrin T. and Christian L.,  was the center of a pedophile ring that operated on the “dark web.” The two were sentenced yesterday to 12 years each for selling the woman’s 9-year-old son to foreign and local pedophiles, some of whom have also been found and arrested. They also engaged in abuse of a neighbor’s mentally handicapped 3-year-old.

The step-father Christian, a twice convicted pedophile, was blamed as the driving force behind the pedophile ring, while a psychiatrist declared mother Berrin, “had an underdeveloped capacity for compassion.” More

14 Comments on German Mom Gets 12 Years For Selling Son to Pedophiles

  1. She’s lucky to be drawing breath.

    I could underdevelop my compassion long enough to deal with her, if that’s what it would take. Women who practice this kind of abuse toward their own children are particularly repulsive. They forfeit any place in civil society. Pretty much forfeit their lives.

  2. 12 years is far too light. That poor child will be dealing with the emotional, spiritual, and physical trauma for the rest of his life.

    Give the step pedo the death sentence, and the ‘mother’ life without parole.


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