German MP’s: Greta Thunberg May Be Victim Of Child Abuse – IOTW Report

German MP’s: Greta Thunberg May Be Victim Of Child Abuse

Germany’s parliament is debating possible child exploitation of a well known environmental activist. One America’s Kristian Rouz looks into the matter.

20 Comments on German MP’s: Greta Thunberg May Be Victim Of Child Abuse

  1. NOTEWORTHY is that the Parliament member speaking was from the Alternative for Germany (AfD) Party…that oft-maligned as “neo Nazi” group (which,in reality, is the only Party against the mass invasion/migration occurring in Germanistan).

  2. It’s so depressing to realize just what a gutless bunch the U.N. representatives are. Having seen just a few videos of Miss Thunberg speaking, it seems clear the girl cannot speak from any deep, personal conviction or knowledge of either the science or facts behind this so-called environmental crisis. What does seem crystal clear is that she is being exploited. Shameful.

  3. Child abuse. No question.
    The Germans at least have the guts to say so.
    Meanwhile we have adults fooling around with sex-changes on toddlers and twisting their young minds up with gender confusion while our well-paid Wimps in the Congress and Senate sit there and watch cowed by Political Correctness!
    How dare them!

  4. Of course it’s abuse. Not only of Greta, but abuse of the sovereignty of every western nation. This kid is is being pimped-out for the creation of a world-wide socialist dictatorship.

  5. Tell me again how abused children enjoy,
    *Highly paid handlers
    *24/7 personal assistant(s)
    *Foreign travel
    *Top tier & private travel arrangements
    *Lauded as a hero by the U.N.
    *Lecture adults with impunity

    I’ll wait.

  6. …we live in an age where “Child Abuse” has been redefined to mean if you discipline your child in any way, or don’t immediatly cut your 3 year old son’s penis off if he puts a foot in his mother’s shoe, while ripping one apart at birth and selling it for parts, or letting a baby die after it is born if it would inconvenience the “mother” is perfectly acceptable.

    …against this backdrop, a leftist brainwashing of a child from a country where children are sacrificed routinely to a!!ah on the altar of political correctness doesn’t even move the needle any more…

  7. Marxist radicals indoctrinating a child with mental issues is definitely child abuse.
    Also, Germany may be profoundly embarrassed by the exploitation of one of their citizens who is clearly disturbed.

  8. Watch her video, her eyes and face constrict into a rictus of hate when the words come out. She is seriously mentally ill.
    Whoever grabbed this girl and put her in this position should be horsewhipped

  9. Merkel regime threatens critics of Greta — Up to 3 years imprisonment for satires about Greta–
    Two long and beautifully designed Greta pigtails hang from the trunk. Above them is written “Problem solved”, and a little further up “Fuck you Greta”. The public prosecutor’s office has initiated an investigation against a man from Plauen who has stuck the pigtails on his car. “The accusation to be examined is a public request to commit crimes,” says Ines Leonhardt, spokeswoman for the Zwickau public prosecutor’s office. One could see in this kind of tailgate decoration the glorification of violence against children and the invitation to do harm to a certain person. The penal code provides for up to three years imprisonment.A citizen filed a denunciatory complaint. Just the sticker “Fuck you Greta”, which for example a citizen stuck on his old Citroen, was considered an insult, according to the prosecutor.


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