German Pol Has a New Idea In Order To Fight Islamic Immigration Problems – IOTW Report

German Pol Has a New Idea In Order To Fight Islamic Immigration Problems

What does a German pol think would really, really help the Islamic immigration crisis? A border fence? Pulling out of the EU and returning sovereignty? Naaa. Just change Mohammad’s name to Martin.

Isn’t it a lot better to be hacked to death with a scimitar by a guy named Martin?

And instead of Allahu Ackbar, they can shout Alan Arkin!!

Problem solved.


German law generally does not allow foreigners to change their names to German ones, and German courts rarely approve such petitions. By custom and practice, German names are only for Germans.

According to Polenz, who served as a member of parliament for nearly two decades, the law in its current form is “ignorant” and should be changed:

“An ignorant law: the United States is full of anglicized German names, from Smith to Steinway, from Miller to Schwartz. The reason: integration was made easier. It no longer appeared as though a family was not from the USA. I think that German citizens of foreign origin should also have this possibility.”


HT/ Annie


12 Comments on German Pol Has a New Idea In Order To Fight Islamic Immigration Problems

  1. They should assign all Muzzie immigrants the surname “Scheisskopf”. They can tell them it’s German for “Blessed of Allah”.

    That way they’ll be easier to identify.


  2. @Vietvet, LOL! That would be so convenient for German propaganda outlets. Whenever a “Martin Scheisskopf” commits a brutal murder of an infidel, Propagandists don’t have to twist their panties in a wad trying to NOT identify the moslem barbarian by name! Problem solved!

  3. Sounds like Mr Polenta needs a break from his 20 years as a Politician, and needs a “Politician Realignment Kit” treatment for his mental disorders.
    (Politician Realignment Kit: politician, rope, tall tree or lamppost; some assembly required)

  4. What? Change my name from that of the prophet (pissBUH) to Martin? Like Martin Luther? Blasphemy. You look too tall, Herr Polenz. I must remedy that soon. Very soon.

  5. @Lazlo July 26, 2016 at 11:45 am

    > Look we get it. You’re sorry for WWII.

    Oh, nein, Herr Lazlo. We do regret the last Great War. But, as you Americans say, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.”

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