German Study Finds High Vaxx Rates – High Death Rates – IOTW Report

German Study Finds High Vaxx Rates – High Death Rates

Steve Kirsch

I just got a new study from a friend in Germany (Max Langen).

What this new German study shows is:  The higher the vaccination rate, the higher the excess mortality.

I can’t say I’m surprised. These are the deadliest vaccine in human history by a factor of over 800. But it is always nice to get confirmation from multiple sources who have no conflicts. More

6 Comments on German Study Finds High Vaxx Rates – High Death Rates

  1. Germany – a beautiful country turned to shit by excess sheepleness.
    When they waken to their danger it will be too late – probably already is.
    Same with us.

    izlamo delenda est …


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