This is not Martina Big’s first transformation. Her first one was making herself into a white woman who, for some unknown reason, is secreting a set of dodge balls everywhere she goes.
Here she is as an authentic black woman.
Here is the video announcing her transformation (which didn’t include a transformation of her thick German accent.)
By the way, she is still transforming.
Here she is looking like she came down the chimney.
Soon she will look like a Tibetan monk after the protest.
I cannot unsee this……
the grass is always greener…..
This woman needs a lot of prayer. Something I’d obviously wrong with her, and I don’t just mean mentally or physically. This kind of body dysmorphia definitely has spiritual oppression in it’s roots.
Griffin shoe polish, black. Great stuff. Better than Kiwi.
There are two 20 something girls in my neighborhood who tan so much they look African American.
I know them so I know they are tanning too much.
Greyscape would hit that. Where the hell is greyscape?
These people die very young, that’s a fact.
Nope, haven’t seen in black women that grotesque in a while, and I don’t even think most of them are that pretty.
Is that you, Ted Danson?
You know how I know I don’t live in a society where “white privilege” actually exists, and where women and non-whites are actually oppressed?
This shit right here.
If being black really did make one a second class citizen, no white person would want to be black, and every black person who could pass for white would do so. Ya know, kinda like was happening 100 years ago (or less).
If women were actually second class citizens, making 70 cents on the dollar compared to men (or whatever number the current mythology is claiming) there is absolutely no way any man would be walking around pretending to be a women.
OK, except for the mentally ill. I grant you that. So let me correct my statement to: There is absolutely no way any sane, rational man would be walking around pretending to be a women.
Good luck with that.
Hmm. I think I’ll have some cantaloupe if it hasn’t gone bad.
I’d love to be her physical therapist and a medical device salesman. I’d make a small fortune just off her back braces alone.
Slight of hand is always entertaining but never to be taken seriously.
That is one fukkered up human there. When is it going to decide it’s now Bruce Jenner?
Next up: her adoption of the RBF
Good move girl. Is this just a step in your transition back to an ape?
That reminds me I’m out of silicone chalking
She will eventually look like Jocelyn Wildenstein aka “catwoman” with an intense “tan”; .
Dodge balls! That’s funny. Sheesh. Looks kinda painful — like there’s air pressure involved. Just like a dodge ball.
So is it male or female?
That’s a “NEIN!”
Self mutilation seems to be all the rage these days. Tattoos, piercings, bead implants etc. Someone needs to tell this moron that the idea is beautification. She looks like a extra in the cast of an Al Jolson movie.
Well, if that doesn’t work out for her, maybe she could be a spokesperson for Sun-Maid Raisins…
Aunt Jemima is that you?
Damn, now I want some buckwheat pancakes for breakfast.
As Al Jolson said, “Mammy!”
So is Rachel Dolezal her life coach?
Well she’ll be the first black that don’t need to worry about drowning.
Still looks better than Michelle Obama.
Just when my stomach was getting used to seeing Maxine so much on camera.
Dayum! Bitch so dark she got marked absent for night school.
Y? O…Y?
Can’t be authentic, no fried chicken and watermelon in those photos.
Butt implants part of the package?
There are some really messed up people in this world, and then there’s this woman….
There must be a university somewhere offering Ebonics 101.