German white woman claims to have successfully transformed herself into a black woman – IOTW Report

German white woman claims to have successfully transformed herself into a black woman

This is not Martina Big’s first transformation. Her first one was making herself into a white woman who, for some unknown reason, is secreting a set of dodge balls everywhere she goes.

Here she is as an authentic black woman.

Here is the video announcing her transformation (which didn’t include a transformation of her thick German accent.)

By the way, she is still transforming.

Here she is looking like she came down the chimney.

Soon she will look like a Tibetan monk after the protest.

37 Comments on German white woman claims to have successfully transformed herself into a black woman

  1. This woman needs a lot of prayer. Something I’d obviously wrong with her, and I don’t just mean mentally or physically. This kind of body dysmorphia definitely has spiritual oppression in it’s roots.

  2. You know how I know I don’t live in a society where “white privilege” actually exists, and where women and non-whites are actually oppressed?

    This shit right here.

    If being black really did make one a second class citizen, no white person would want to be black, and every black person who could pass for white would do so. Ya know, kinda like was happening 100 years ago (or less).

    If women were actually second class citizens, making 70 cents on the dollar compared to men (or whatever number the current mythology is claiming) there is absolutely no way any man would be walking around pretending to be a women.

    OK, except for the mentally ill. I grant you that. So let me correct my statement to: There is absolutely no way any sane, rational man would be walking around pretending to be a women.

  3. Self mutilation seems to be all the rage these days. Tattoos, piercings, bead implants etc. Someone needs to tell this moron that the idea is beautification. She looks like a extra in the cast of an Al Jolson movie.

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