Germans must ban ALCOHOL if they want to prevent further sex attacks and help North Africans integrate, says Muslim group – IOTW Report

Germans must ban ALCOHOL if they want to prevent further sex attacks and help North Africans integrate, says Muslim group

Ban alcohol? That’ll only help the ugly ones. (Okay, bad joke.)

Hey, I thought Muslims couldn’t drink alcohol?


‘You cannot expect to chuck a naked antelope in front of a lion and not expect it to react. It is mind boggling that with so much time spent teaching children about sex at school, they completely forget to pass on this basic biological fact.’

As a consequence of the attacks, they urged the German government to introduce a ban across the country on the consumption of alcohol.

The group also blamed women for getting attacked by inciting the young men.

In one section of the Facebook post, which has since been deleted, the group claims: ‘Some women should think about whether it is wise to lightly dressed and drunk, to go between hordes of drunken men.

‘In general, the woman wearing due to their nature have a responsibility when it goes out of the house.”


Maybe they have a point. Whoever wrote that last paragraph sounds like they’re drunk.


32 Comments on Germans must ban ALCOHOL if they want to prevent further sex attacks and help North Africans integrate, says Muslim group

  1. The young lady that made the video looking for the men of Germany to help protect the citizens has a point. Are they starting to organize I wonder? It’s clear their government isn’t helping. Merkel and others need to be dealt with severely. But then look at what we seem to be putting up with.

  2. Merkel is gone in 9 months.
    I don’t know if that’s soon enough to save Germany.

    The Identitarian Movement may help.

    AfD has been taken over by neo-nazis.
    NPD was always so.

    The CDU is dead.
    Its Bavarian sister, CSU is – how shall we say – a FGM (look the acronym up) version.

    Germany has NO Trump.
    Its system is different, for historically good/legitimate reasons.
    Ach, du lieber Augustine.

    I hope they will find some solution between lala identity and neonazis.

  3. You have to ban moslems if you want to prevent the practice of these favorite moslem pastimes: rape, murder, child molesting, “honor” killings, animal molestation, acid baths, beheadings, crucifixion, stoning to death, slave abuse ….

    You think they are coming to your country and leaving all of their hobbies behind? Think again, dhimmi.

  4. Anyone stop and consider we have a cohesive society BECAUSE we have beer? All the moose limbs have is camel piss. I guess if you imbibe enough of that a goat’s ass may look appealing.

  5. This ain’t ending until someone is being herded into boxcars…history may not repeat but it rhymes. This time I think it is going to be the German people who do the loading…and Merkel and her team will be loaded along with those who cannot control themselves.

    Another reason to know that Islam is of satanic origin, compare and contrast the following:

    Galatians 5 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

    22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

  6. Germans started screwing themselves over when they invited Turkish Moslem guest workers in the ’60’s and ’70’s. These people never assimilated. When the German economy went down hill in the ’70’s they couldn’t get rid of these slugs.

    Now Merkel and her ilk have welcomed the rapeujihadists again. I guess ‘the gates of Vienna’ means nothing to that crew.
    Germans, the whole of Europe, expect the government to be their mother, father, protector. Thank you socialism for turning people into sheep who will not even protect their women and elderly. Merkel is leading her country to the slughter.

    I lived in Nurnberg for 6 years with my family courtesy of the US Army. Loved the place and the people. One thing I learned is you never want to be around a pissed off German. I hope they are reaching their limit and fight back with every means possible.

  7. “Antelope in front of a lion?” a lion??? are you kidding me? moslems are more like the creepy perverts that hang around strip joints that they cannot afford to enter, sniffing their poop covered fingers.

    Hey mohammedans !! you pussies, did you know your stupid, perverted leader is rotting in hell at this moment? Will you please stop the posturing and show yourselves? I’m really itching to take out some moslem pussies, I mean “Lion’s”

  8. If only the Germans had plenty of goats when they’re about doing their business that way, they could sacrifice the goat er scapegoat when mudslimes are horny as goats. It’s a win win.

  9. I say, I love a target rich enviorment. Their victims here will be mindless Liberals. A thinning of the heard. Mean while they provide live fire drills for people that are OAF. Let’s get it on. I can’t wait.

  10. This is “Be Careful What You Wish For” writ so large. Good job German feminists! Good job. Good work. Well done. All that complaining about men that you wanted to indulge in, well here you are. You spent thirty years senselessly bitching non-stop about your gentlemanly, 6’3″ engineers who pedestalized you. You wanted so bad to complain about men so here you go. Now you have a bunch of armpit-stained half-monkeys throwing turds at you on the street.


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