Germans Starting to Beat Up Politicians That Ignore the Will of the People – IOTW Report

Germans Starting to Beat Up Politicians That Ignore the Will of the People

Who could blame them?

No one wants Muslims brought into their town. There is no upside for the citizenry. When they say they don’t want them these idiots sniff and tell the people what is “good for them.”

Now they are getting beat up.


German mayor beaten up by mob after expressing support for asylum seekers.


Police believe the attack is linked to the mayor’s support for plan to accommodate asylum-seekers in the village.

Hours before the attack, he received a threatening letter which contained the phrases “He who will not listen will have to feel” and “Oersdorf for the Oersdorfers”.

The tiny village of just 870 people has been the scene of growing tension in recent weeks.

The planning committee meeting had already been postponed twice over bomb threats, and police had secured the site ahead of Thursday’s planned session.

Germany has suffered a wave of violent attacks targeting refugee shelters and politicians who support asylum-seekers over the past 12 months.


ht/ Billy Fuster

18 Comments on Germans Starting to Beat Up Politicians That Ignore the Will of the People

  1. @GFY “Coming soon to a town near all of us if we elect Cankles.”

    I think it’s gonna happen here either way. Times are changing. There is always some dumb sob that doesn’t get the word and needs to be ‘counseled’.

  2. You hate to see this (frankly a little more so when it’s coming from the Germans primarily because of the history of their 1930’s and 40’s er, political experiment) but it needs to be done when elected officials will simply not listen to the will of the people and especially when it’s at such a close tie to the people. With this much opposition the Mayor should have held a referendum on the issue and followed the results. He may not have liked it but that is his job and I suspect he just received a reminder.

  3. Cool! Citizens taking matters into their own hands. However, beating them up the politicians is not goods enough. I’d like to see a Clinton done on them – you know the Clinton disappearing act.

  4. TO THE CONTRARY, src_north. NEITHER of us would want a Polotical Party to initiate the – ahem – “feedback” these citizens are finally giving their elected officials.

    I doubt the Germans will learn much from this crisis, in particular the dangers of collectivism so deeply ingrained in their culture for 150 years.

    BUT: it’s refreshing as hell to see some Germans (I’m surprised only that it wasn’t Bavarians first) GET IT.

  5. @Marco October 2, 2016 at 1:00 pm

    That’s the way the “civilized” world will have to behave to goodfeelz their self esteem.

    Survival is a matter of life and death.

  6. “Police said the cause of the violence was unclear, but that it appeared to have been planned.”

    Seems the police are unclear concerning violence from “ALL” parties, Muslim & non-Muslim alike. The logical question seems to be, “then why are they even there in the first place?”

  7. We should make every politician run a gauntlet before it gets that bad over here. Give them a chance to straighten up and fly right. If they live through it.

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