Germany Accuses Ukrainian of Nord Stream Pipeline Sabotage – IOTW Report

Germany Accuses Ukrainian of Nord Stream Pipeline Sabotage


Germany has issued its first arrest warrant over the 2022 sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipelines from Russia to northern Europe, saying it is seeking a Ukrainian citizen, named only as Volodymyr Z.

A European Arrest Warrant issued in June over the sabotage of a major pipeline feeding Europe Russian gas has come to light for the first time. Per an investigation published by a group of German newspapers and broadcasters on Wednesday, the Federal Prosecutor General put out a warrant for the arrest of Ukrainian citizen named, in line with German privacy law protecting unconvicted suspects, as Ukrainian diving instructor “Volodymyr Z.”, reports Die Zeit.

Two other suspects are reportedly also being considered, but have not been issued with arrest warrants yet. A man and a woman, they are also said to be Ukrainian citizen professional diving instructors. read more

8 Comments on Germany Accuses Ukrainian of Nord Stream Pipeline Sabotage

  1. Well Jackass Joe bragged about taking it out, so did he use Ukraine as the tool?
    Did he provide Ukraine with the tools to take it out?
    Somehow there is more to this than meets the eye.

  2. The comedic porno actor that the US installed as Ukrainian PM to facilitate the feeding at the trough of all that military aid is also named Volodymyr Z. !!!!
    What a coincidence!!

    (“Remember to ring the bell every time the Big Guy gets his 10% !!”)

  3. “Per an investigation published by a group of German newspapers and broadcasters”.

    Just like the US, newspapers and broadcasters carries the Government narrative.

    If in Fact (which we have seen zero), this unverified Ukrainian had the logistics and expertise to destroy Nord Stream pipeline, “WHO recruited, paid and provided the logistical support needed to succeed?

    Was it the US Dept. of State, Dept. of Defense, Joint Chiefs, Dark money from the Pentagon, CIA or DARPA?

    Did Biden tell the truth about his and the US involvement or did he exaggerate? (mislead or lie).

    Excerpt from Biden’s quote from February “2022”:
    “If Russia invades — that means tanks or troops crossing the border of Ukraine — then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it.” Biden said while standing next to the new chancellor of Germany, Olaf Scholz, at a White House news conference.

    When pressed for details, “I promise you, we will be able to do it,” Biden told reporters.

    Are the German Press protecting, NATO, the US and Allies involvement with the destruction of Nord Stream Pipeline?

    When did Kamala Harris know about the Nord Stream attack? What did she know? What was the United States involvement and role in the Nord Stream destruction? Did Biden falsely claim US would act upon Nord Stream destruction id Russia Invaded Ukraine??

    Will the heritage US Media continue to ask softball questions of the Biden/Harris Administration regarding Nord Steam??

  4. Cover up….

    I seem to remember the news story….
    of the P-8 Poseidon that left….
    the US Navy Seal Base and went….
    to the pipeline area and returned….
    non-stop by inflight refueling….
    to the US….and magically….
    a dead pipeline.

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