Germany Asks For Forgiveness Over 1972 Munich Games Attacks Even Though The Murderers Were Muslims, Not Them – IOTW Report

Germany Asks For Forgiveness Over 1972 Munich Games Attacks Even Though The Murderers Were Muslims, Not Them

Why are the German’s apologizing? It was the Palestinians who took the Israelis hostage.

Wait, it’s all becoming clear now. It’s 50 years later and they are welcoming in with open arms the Jew-haters. Are these proxies to finish the work that was started, but not completed, during WWII?


FUERSTENFELDBRUCK, Germany, Sept 5 (Reuters) – Germany’s president asked for forgiveness on Monday for his country’s failure to protect Israeli athletes and team memberswho were murdered 50 years ago at the 1972 Munich Olympics.

“We cannot make right what happened,” Frank-Walter Steinmeier told a gathering including relatives of the dead and Israeli officials during commemorations at the airfield where a failed rescue attempt took place.

Palestinians from the Black September militant group took members of the Israeli Olympic team hostage on Sept. 5, 1972.

Eleven Israelis, a German policeman and five of the Palestinian gunmen died after a stand-off at the Olympic village and the nearby Fuerstenfeldbruck airfield.

Steinmeier said Germany should shoulder its share of responsibilities for the “catastrophic” failures to protect the athletes and for taking decades to compensate the victims’ families.

“I am ashamed. As head of state of this country and in the name of the Federal Republic of Germany I ask for forgiveness for insufficient protection of the athletes, for insufficient resolution of this matter,” Steinmeier said


5 Comments on Germany Asks For Forgiveness Over 1972 Munich Games Attacks Even Though The Murderers Were Muslims, Not Them

  1. They should have taken Security at the Olympics more seriously back then, but as Uncle Al, is pointing out they have now failed the Entire Countries Security with their Immigration & Energy Policies.

    So, Fuck all Learned in 50 Years, much like the entire western world…

  2. The great and overlooked band Mason Proffit from the early 70’s had a song about the Munich massacre during the 1972 Summer Olympics called Black September/Belfast from their album Bareback Rider. It is still well worth a listen. I still listen to Mason Proffit’s music and John Michael Talbot from that band who became a monk and is one of the best Catholic Christian musicians ever.

  3. Sigh…the Germans already made payments to the families of the victims within a short time of the massacre. Enough is enough. The Left has been badmouthing the Germans ever since they attacked the USSR. All this does is reinforce the a stereotype of Jews being money-grubbers (and yes, I am Jewish).

    If the victims want reparations, have them take it from the money that Resident Brandon gives to the palis.


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