Germany conducts raids over hate posts against politicians – IOTW Report

Germany conducts raids over hate posts against politicians

We’ll all be in the hoose-gow, eventually, if the left continues to gain ground on stripping us of our constitutional rights.

Look at the confirmation hearings of the Brown Jackson.

She wouldn’t even provide a definition when asked “what is a woman”?

This is the result of progressive education. And her fears are going to instruct the way she behaves as a jurist. And I do believe that means she will be shutting down speech that makes her uncomfortable.

Most countries are out in front of this, leading the charge toward suppression.


German authorities carried out raids across the country and questioned more than 100 suspects Tuesday in an investigation of hate posts against politicians connected to last year’s national election, prosecutors said.

The Frankfurt prosecutor’s office and the Federal Criminal Police Office said that the raids resulted from an analysis of over 600 posts on social media for criminal content. The investigation was based on legislation that was introduced last year to provide for tough punishment of slander and abuse of people “in political life,” whether at local, regional or federal level.

It provides for a punishment of up to three years in prison for abuse motivated by the person’s position in public life that is liable to “significantly complicate their public work.”

Prosecutors didn’t name the targets of the posts that resulted in the raids, but said that the investigation covered posts against politicians from all the parties currently in Germany’s national parliament and two-thirds of them are women. It said they included abuse against nationally known politicians as well as fake quotes that appeared designed to discredit their targets.


ht/ sns

9 Comments on Germany conducts raids over hate posts against politicians

  1. As I commented once before, a guy referred to Hitler as a “rascal” and was taken off the train at the next stop and shot.
    (true story)

    Guess the old traditions die hard.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Also, SNS, There is a world of difference now. There were whole countries not aligned with Hitler’s New World Order and fighting him over it.

    We’re down to the middle class conservatives now. Here and elsewhere.

    I think it’s plain to see why the founding fathers placed free speech at the top of the amendments.

    I’m so disappointed in fellow Americans that can’t see the serious need for free speech. Meaning the speech you don’t like. You don’t have to listen to it, but silencing it means no one can speak truth to power. No matter what your persuasion or lean is.


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