Germany Considers Making Up Enlistment Shortfall with Foreigners – IOTW Report

Germany Considers Making Up Enlistment Shortfall with Foreigners

the defense post

Germany is considering enlisting foreign nationals into the military to address current recruitment shortfalls.

The move aligns with the country’s plan to recruit an extra 20,000 troops in the face of growing regional threats.

Under German law, only citizens are allowed to join the military. Those born and raised in Germany but not holding German citizenship are also permitted to enlist in some instances. More

18 Comments on Germany Considers Making Up Enlistment Shortfall with Foreigners

  1. If Germany would deport all those leeches and criminals from the middle east, Germany would not need much of an Army. If they have rug burns on their knees and foreheads, kick em out. What good are they?

  2. I envision a new Hitler rising from the quran….German moslems attacking

    English moslems…mohammedolph Hitler?

    Poland will dodge this particular War, as They have not taken in any Cavemen.

  3. Fall of Rome redux

    “Towards the end, the ancient roman army was largely composed of immigrant foreigners. The number of “true” Romans was actually very limited. Many of the great generals towards the end of the empire were actually “barbarians” such as Stilicho for example. This last example is particularly interesting because it is a perfect example of how politics and personal objectives did much to help the decline”

  4. The German Nazis used foreign troops in conquered lands as enforcers, and they were probably more vicious than the German Nazis because they wanted to prove themselves to their nihilist masters.

    George Soros was one such.

  5. Perfect. I assume muslims. And since Islam encourages it’s followers to lie if necessary to non believers to draw them in I seriously doubt that any “loyalty Oath” given would carry much weight. Hells’ yeah, lets arm these immigrants !!!! Most of the actual German peoples wounds will be in the back.

  6. Yeah, it didn’t work out so great for the Romans when the allowed numerous German tribes in their empire, put the men in their legions and promoted their leaders to command. It took only a few decades before they got use to being in power and the various tribes carved up Western Roman empire for themselves.

    Just finished reading, “The Fall of the Roman Empire” by Michael Grant a few days ago. I recommend it highly.

    link provided to the Internet Archive

  7. Aren’t some states (I might have read this about California) planning to let illegals become police officers? Wouldn’t be too far of a jump to let them join the military.


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