Germany Could Run Out of Gas by February – IOTW Report

Germany Could Run Out of Gas by February

Breitbart: Germany could be completely out of gas by February, the country’s gas agency has said, with some experts saying that the country needs to cut consumption by 30 per cent to make it through the crisis intact.

A reduction in gas consumption of up to 30 per cent may be required if Germany wants to make it through the coming winter intact, some experts have claimed, while the country’s gas agency has expressed concern that the nation could run out of the hydrocarbon by February.

Despite such a warning echoing that made by the country’s economic and climate minister Robert Habeck earlier this month, the country’s Chancellor seems to have denied such a reality, telling the European Parliament earlier today that Germany is “well prepared” for the coming winter. more

19 Comments on Germany Could Run Out of Gas by February

  1. The Trump Effect continues, talking common sense to ultra elitist global commies while they just laugh in your face.

    Well my how the worm turns.

    Smug little bastards are not laughing now. Let’s see if your sense of superiority can keep you warm you arrogant pricks…

  2. Don’t laugh too much at Germany….
    We….the US….have 25 days of diesel left….
    to power our cars, trucks, farm equipment, construction equipment, delivery vans, long haul 18 wheel semi’s, and our trains.

  3. It’s harvest season. Tractors, combines & semi trucks all run on diesel. Get ready for super high prices on corn, soybeans, wheat, rye, oats, etc. That’s if they have enough fuel to harvest at all.


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