Germany: Knife crimes up 900% – IOTW Report

Germany: Knife crimes up 900%

Germany’s spiraling epidemic of stabbings and knife violence has raged since Chancellor Angela Merkel allowed into the country more than a million mostly male migrants from Africa, Asia and the Middle East. The UK suffers the same horror for the same reason.  -Geller Report



19 Comments on Germany: Knife crimes up 900%

  1. Reminds me of a painting I just saw of Vikings sacking a town and cutting down the Priest with an ax. The only difference is in the painting there was a peasant with a wooden pitch fork willing to fight the armored ax wielding Viking whereas the modern day NPC is holding a sign saying “Refugees welcome, to prove I’m not a racist you can rape my wife, sister or mother or me if that works for you because I’m not going to assume your gender or sexual preference”.

    The only men left in Germany, it seems, are the ones that were imported and they are savages and the savages are not assimilating. … … Stabbings up 900%?!? There should be a full scale revolt going on with Frau Merkle being lead to a guillotine. I give them 20 years tops before they go 100% Shariah Law. Or, God forbid, the savages actually organize; should the savages organize Germany falls 6 months after that.

  2. I bet the socialist and communist in Germany, UK, Sweden, and France, USA, Canada, Australia, and etc… don’t link the increase in crime to the muslim hate group.

  3. Stock up on your blades, because after the democrats take our guns in 2020, they’ll be after our knifes.

    You mean the survivors will ATTEMPT to take our knives.

  4. And it looks like That Place Where Great Britain Used to Be is trying to fight moslem stabbers with the equivalent of Mothers United here in the U.S. That is, go after the people that AREN’T stabbing pretty young girls rather than the moslem scum that is.

    Not enough beauty in the world, and these camel-humping cocksuckers have to destroy what little there is.


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