Germany: Tunisian man gropes woman, loses arm – IOTW Report

Germany: Tunisian man gropes woman, loses arm

Daily Mail: A sex attacker who tried to grope a female train passenger ended up losing his arm when a locomotive hit him during a scuffle with a crowd that came to the victim’s aid.

A 22-year-old man from Tunisia tried to kiss and grope a woman, 25, on a tram in the German city of Stuttgart in the early hours of Sunday, according to the federal police.

Other passengers rushed to the victim’s aid and left the train with her assailant at the next stop at Oesterfeld station in the city’s Vaihingen district. more

34 Comments on Germany: Tunisian man gropes woman, loses arm

  1. Aaaaaaaannd now he’s got Locomotive Breath…

    He sees his children jumping off
    At the stations – one by one
    His woman and his best friend
    In bed and having fun
    He’s crawling down the corridor
    On one hand and his knees

  2. Jason – You may be right that it’s wrong, but when there is severe lack of morals and scruples and there is little policing of crime, or worse yet, charging the victims of crime for self-defense, what’s left?
    Anarchy is the goal of Leftists worldwide and this is the result. Ultimately it’s going to come down to us or them!

  3. Get between her and the man. Call the police. Look how it escalated. Is that justice? If it happened to someone I know I’d be furious. But we are smarter and better than that.

    And I don’t care how many keyboard warriors come at me for saying this. Punishment needs to fit the crime.

  4. Matt 5:30 — And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.

    This scripture probably doesn’t fit our Tunisian, but it was the first thing that came to mind when I read the story, and serves as a good reminder.

  5. Unless there is some justice (and obviously NONE will come from the worthless, criminal, WEF-owned government), these problems will only continue and worsen. The numbers of rapes and murders committed by these ungrateful parasitic invaders is off the charts. When TSHTF, these folks are going to regret that the police are not around to save them.

  6. Punishment needs to fit the crime.
    Correct… in a civilized world.
    My point is that the world is becoming less and less civilized daily thanks to the Left and the One-World Government advocates leaving us with fewer choices.

  7. Case in point –
    Go back a 150 years ago. Punishment was brutal because of a lack of laws and enforcement. That’s exactly why laws were made and punishment was handed out by the court system and also changed to fit the crime – at the time (things have changed over the decades).
    Now fast forward up to today. We all the laws ever imagined, but have a severe lack of enforcement in the big cities. As we all know, laws mean nothing without enforcement… resulting in ever increasing crime ramping up.
    So… back we go!

  8. “….unknown man reportedly got physical with the sex attacker, causing him to fall onto the tracks.

    The man was hit by an incoming tram….”

    Sounds like someone committed a crime and lost his arm struggling to escape….

    It’s not like someone held him down on the rail intending to get his arm cut off….


  9. There once was a man from Tunisia
    Who was in great need of some anesthesia
    For he groped a fair Dane
    And got hit by a train
    And his arm was then found in Rhodesia

  10. If you are going to try and lawfully detain someone, then you better know how. If you do detain someone then you’ve become a responsible party, just like the police. If that train had killed that man, then someone may have very likely faced manslaughter charges. People need to think before they overreact.

    I mean, he TRIED to kiss and grope her on a crowded train. Once people stopped it from happening (Which is good), how much danger was she in?? Is he a slimy creep, yes. People trying to do the right thing should not go to prison for a slimy creep. That still might be exactly what happens.

  11. Jason

    “Punishment needs to fit the crime.”

    What about the potential crime? Obviously the Tunisians intended much worse. If this Tunisian hasn’t already raped a couple women he would have. What about removing the threat from society?
    I disagree with you on this one.

  12. Brad
    You’re using a straw-man argument. Maybe you didn’t read all of my posts on this but I’m all for nailing this guy and removing the threat. However, the people who tried detaining him screwed up. They escalated the situation to the point where this accident happened. That happens with a mob mentality. I’m sure each individual didn’t intend the outcome but it doesn’t matter now, does it? Unless he jumped in front of the train to commit suicide which I highly doubt.

  13. Jason

    It’s not a straw man argument. You are confusing cause and effect. The moment the muzzie decided to act inappropriately he was the catalyst.
    I agree with your point about mob mentality. But truth of the matter is when Government will not seek justice eventually the mob will. In other words the German Government is just as responsible for Mr touchy feely losing that arm as the mob is.

  14. Brad
    Your original questions to me assumed I was making points that I wasn’t making. If “straw-man” is the wrong term then, whatever.

    “But truth of the matter is when Government will not seek justice eventually the mob will”
    Are you saying that the just punishment for a man trying to grope a woman is to have his arm amputated? And just how did the mob determine that he wasn’t going to get killed? Or would death been a better punishment for a man groping someone? No, the fact is, I’m pretty sure you are NOT saying that. That is why mobs trying to handle a situation like this is dangerous.

    And again, I’m sure they didn’t intend him to fall, but it did, in fact, happen. And that is on them, not the perp.

  15. He groped and lost one of his groping implements–islime approves of cutting the hand of the theif off, so why the outcry? I’d say the “punishment” fit the crime and the noise you hear in the background is karma laughing her motherfuckin’ ass off!

  16. @ Jason

    “That is why mobs trying to handle a situation like this is dangerous.”

    For the perp and nobody doing anything because the perp may be injured could be dangerous for the victim who is the woman groped, not the perp that lost his arm.

  17. Jason

    There’s some street slang that I feel nails my position.
    “Don’t start none, won’t be none.’

    What would your reaction be if that were your daughter being groped. Same as mine. He would probably not be breathing anymore.
    Let’s take it a step further. This occurred on a bus. I think it reasonable to assume maybe some other passengers knew the woman/girl.
    Like I say, Don’t start none, won’t be none. Besides that you just know the asshole was a mouthy little prick. They all are.

  18. While I kinda sorta see Jason’s position, it does strike me a bit like those “cries for Justice” for people who pull a gun on police and get shot for their efforts.

    What are citizens supposed to do, go to an academy and learn proper police tactics?

    And how many times have we heard , “Why didn’t anyone do anything?” You know as well as I do that if nobody intervened, it would be the people who just stood by and did nothing who would be portrayed as the bad guys.

    Maybe incidents such as this will send a message that “We’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take it anymore.”

  19. Okay, since we’re all speculating: My theory is it was a group of virtue- signaling young men eager to be heroes. Since people are always more brave when they’re in groups they got too aggressive with the perp and he panicked. While struggling to get away, he falls in front of a train. I guess this newly formed posse better gets their story straight.


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