Turley: You have to wonder if Merchan is having second thoughts – IOTW Report

Turley: You have to wonder if Merchan is having second thoughts

8 Comments on Turley: You have to wonder if Merchan is having second thoughts

  1. Medacious, malevolent, mediocre, Merchans only focus is to convict PDJT and keep his daughters payola scheme alive…

    The millions she has gathered have gone directly into his pocket.

    Corruption is a way of life to Demonrats.

  2. Since TRUMP !! and MAGA Americans are slowly beating down the woke agenda ol Judgy-boy has to consider his position in politics. (Inserts finger in azz, extract and check wind direction)

  3. @Toby in a Just Scenario she would be. That’s why her ‘husband’ stated that if Trump becomes POTUS, they will leave the country.

    If that all comes to pass, I hope Trump has her extradited, tried, convicted and JAILED.

  4. Law and facts don’t matter. It’s already a given they’re gonna jail Trump over this completely bullshit case. The democrats are total scum. Their “ace in the hole witness” is the sleaziest Jew mafia lawyer/fixer in the history of Manhattan.


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